God aside. (I’m an atheist, so spare me. We are on the same side so calm down.). Military will not do anything public until “We The People” are awake and ready for what they do. Think about it. “We The People” MUST be behind them when they publicly “pull the trigger”.
We are nearing the precipice.
Hang in there.
My wife is STILL asleep. It is damn frustrating. She’s not a dumb woman, but lives in the “now”. (completely bamboozled by the MSM) When my wife wakes up, I will know we are at the precipice.
God aside. (I’m an atheist, so spare me. We are on the same side so calm down.). Military will not do anything public until “We The People” are awake and ready for what they do. Think about it. “We The People” MUST be behind them when they publicly “pull the trigger”.
We are nearing the precipice.
Hang in there.
My wife is STILL asleep. It is damn frustrating. She’s not a dumb woman, but lives in the “now”. (completely bamboozled by the MSM) When my wife wakes up, I will know we are at the precipice.
I’m praying for you.
"Military will not do anything public until “We The People” are awake and ready for what they do." Your probably correct 👍 .. Let's see what happens !