One or the other has to happen, no ifs, ands, or buts. There is no way to sustain our current global environment without one or the other happening. I keep hearing the DS is scared, in a panic, etc, and for sometime now have wondered, yeah, but are they really?
This post is a progression from my previous post but felt it was too much to edit.
So, we find ourselves facing either the Great Awakening, or the Great Reset, but what's the trigger for either? For the Great Awakening we all keep waiting for the big break from Durham, the first State to decertify, Twitter with a Storm update, etc. All the while things are going farther and farther down the shitter, gas/energy prices, inflation, supply lines, etc.
So what I'm theorizing is that, lets start with the Great Reset, the DS is driving societal collapse, utterly, nothing but a bunch of rage filled, angry, depressed, addictioned people waiting for a spark to explode. Their Narrative becomes easier to drive, disarming people that aren't already, implementing social credit scores/digital passports, then collapsing Fiat currency and implementing CBDC, personal carbon credits, and repression of humanity like never before.
The Great Awakening on the other hand, is driving financial collapse. By no means would this be an ideal scenario for our social climate, the WHs would swoop in with a parallel decentralized economy, either a temporary or permanent solution doesn't matter at this point, but I think this would heal society and reverse the engineered staunch opposition the DS has been building. Thus avoiding a social collapse, or at least no where near the scale the DS would like.
With CBs toppled, the DS is unfunded and out of gas, now draining the swamp, class action lawsuits, Military Tribunals is easy peasy with minimal opposition.
Why hasn't either happened yet? Trump came along and interrupted the Great Reset which was progressing along nicely but not quite ready yet. The Great Awakening is as well moving along nicely but not ready yet either. By not ready yet, I think both sides still have some polishing up before being ready to "save the day", WHs with a ready parallel economy, and DS with a ready digital ID/CBDC system. Both are ready in an "Oh shit, it's go time!" moment though. But look at how things have been stringing along yet building on both sides, I think the defining go moment for either is a complete collapse, of either society or finance, then the rest of what we're all waiting for will be the drips finally breaking the dam and everything coming out to all.
God Bless, NCSWIC
Lo ciento, soy muy estupido, but I try my best.
Edit: I guess I never really said why I don't think the DS are in a panic. They have been back and forth for centuries, if they'd had no opposition all this time, I think we'd be much worse off than we are now. I think for them this is just business as usual, albeit a bit rushed now thanks to Trump. Are they running their same old play? Yes, same old bag of tricks that we've seen, but no matter, it's working. But on the flipside, it's also working against, regardless I think they're on "auto-pilot" as a whole, but bet your britches many of the lower ranks are breaking sweats! Circles within circles, within circles and so on and so forth, to truly make the inner most circle panic will be collapse of all their money making rackets.
more and more I think it is a huge mistake to presume there are these monolithic entities called Deep State / Great Reset Globalists and then the Great Awakening to a Common Cause on the other side.
When I listen to these blowhard globalist lunatics parrot their broken academia talking points at their forums and conferences, who have probably never worked a real meaningful job in their life, I'm more and more convinced that at best they merely BELIEVE or assume they have more power over the masses, more agency in the real world than they actually have.
If they're not in a collective panic, then we have this fear they possess real agency and control over our own collective future because of how media including even alt media will focus on a certain handful of usual suspects and that gives the impression of this monolithic elite globalist club with common goals and dogmas. But the reality is probably more like in nature -> sometimes predators attack and kill each other because they're not working together although they are going for the same prey (elite groups -> goals). There are multiple powerful factions and they will act more and more to undermine each other especially as the stakes get raised. To us it will look like eating their own but its probably more complex than that. The sheer out of touch stupidity combined with hubris will, in my opinion, guarantee a total fail of truly ushering in their whatever favored version of the NWO... too many competing interests and irreconcilable power centers will make it a grand shit show, and the blowback from various and disparate groups who do not necessarily share any kind of common understanding of a universal awakening, will still be glorious.
We'll see...