I loved buying Herman Miller chairs that cost the military 1500+, for 200-300. Only managed to snag 4 though. Why tf are they buying Herman Miller chairs in the first place?
I worked for the Federal government for close to 30 years and this isn't that far off. What really happens though is they do competitive bidding, and the low bidder ends up submitting all kinds of "claims" that ends up driving the total cost higher than the original high bidder. All the government contractors have excellent attorneys who comb the contracts looking for loopholes and other ways they can get more money. Here in New York, I saw a new form of fraud. A private "non-profit" group got funding to construct the "Walkway Over the Hudson". It was around 36 million dollars. Should have cost 5 or 6 million. At the time, I thought, if they are that stupid, then I guess they can waste all their own money if they want. But soon after construction was completed, the whole thing was turned over to the State, with the state now assuming the 36 million dollar tab. I'm sure this was the plan all along, with contractors getting paid an order of magnitude more than what it really cost, with the "non-profit" group making a tidy sum in the process. I tried to get an investigation into it here, but of course, being such a corrupt state, nothing happened.
In my town we got $10,000 lights across Main Street. They connect our corrupt non profit to their favorite restaurant across the street.
6 sets of lights from Costco at $50 each attached from one building to the other. The power supply is a power strip attached to a home timer, both from Dollar General and attached with at least a few zip ties to an awning.
Against city code. Against state code. Against fire code. Still up. I’m waiting for the awning to catch fire. The whole Main Street will go.
Sadly this is what happened with the train in Calif. . I might be wrong on the numbers the taxpayers have paid billions and I think the track is about a mile long so far. The consulting fees are completely ridiculous.
Sad but true, Its how we had 300 dollar toilet seats in the Army.
And fund the 440 DUMBS in the US and elsewhere.
Why does this toilet have nacelles?
You...didnt smash the toilets every fiscal quarter to get MOAR toilet budget? Pssh do u even oPeRaTe bRo?
I loved buying Herman Miller chairs that cost the military 1500+, for 200-300. Only managed to snag 4 though. Why tf are they buying Herman Miller chairs in the first place?
Bc we bougie
I worked for the Federal government for close to 30 years and this isn't that far off. What really happens though is they do competitive bidding, and the low bidder ends up submitting all kinds of "claims" that ends up driving the total cost higher than the original high bidder. All the government contractors have excellent attorneys who comb the contracts looking for loopholes and other ways they can get more money. Here in New York, I saw a new form of fraud. A private "non-profit" group got funding to construct the "Walkway Over the Hudson". It was around 36 million dollars. Should have cost 5 or 6 million. At the time, I thought, if they are that stupid, then I guess they can waste all their own money if they want. But soon after construction was completed, the whole thing was turned over to the State, with the state now assuming the 36 million dollar tab. I'm sure this was the plan all along, with contractors getting paid an order of magnitude more than what it really cost, with the "non-profit" group making a tidy sum in the process. I tried to get an investigation into it here, but of course, being such a corrupt state, nothing happened.
6uild 6ack 6roke
Chicago gonna Chicago.
100 billion dollars!!!!
Reality, sad but so funny.
Kek. Absolutely!
In my town we got $10,000 lights across Main Street. They connect our corrupt non profit to their favorite restaurant across the street.
6 sets of lights from Costco at $50 each attached from one building to the other. The power supply is a power strip attached to a home timer, both from Dollar General and attached with at least a few zip ties to an awning.
Against city code. Against state code. Against fire code. Still up. I’m waiting for the awning to catch fire. The whole Main Street will go.
... and that folk's is how it's done in the [ DS swamp ]
Sadly this is what happened with the train in Calif. . I might be wrong on the numbers the taxpayers have paid billions and I think the track is about a mile long so far. The consulting fees are completely ridiculous.
Nailed it!
I stealin dis
You may call this satire. Unfortunately it is sad reality...
This is 3rd world shits and we now have it all over America. Where is faith, ethics and merrits?
That's called Build Back Launder
nailed it