Try witnessing to someone in a cult with a Good News or the NIV - I came badly unstuck as the relevant passages I relied on were so altered as to me of no use.
I grew up on KJV, so I understand better with it, I also used NIV for a time, and I had a version with four versions all parallel. So it's really about knowing the word of God as the spirit has taught it to you. When speaking the word to others, it is always the Version that the Spirit taught me.........the spirit of truth will guide you into all truth. When the Spirit of truth teaches, it's not the Bible or version, it's the Word of God. BTW our faith is in the Word of God as it is spoken to us by God, that is a faith that quenches all the firey darts of the enemy, gets us to step off the boat, enables us to always have the victory, because it is the Word of always accomplishes its goal, when we in faith walk with it.
Try witnessing to someone in a cult with a Good News or the NIV - I came badly unstuck as the relevant passages I relied on were so altered as to me of no use.
I grew up on KJV, so I understand better with it, I also used NIV for a time, and I had a version with four versions all parallel. So it's really about knowing the word of God as the spirit has taught it to you. When speaking the word to others, it is always the Version that the Spirit taught me.........the spirit of truth will guide you into all truth. When the Spirit of truth teaches, it's not the Bible or version, it's the Word of God. BTW our faith is in the Word of God as it is spoken to us by God, that is a faith that quenches all the firey darts of the enemy, gets us to step off the boat, enables us to always have the victory, because it is the Word of always accomplishes its goal, when we in faith walk with it.