The timing all seems .... curious .... from the viewpoint of the Q drops, but then, the Qrops have all emphasized that JA is significant.
According to the Qdrops:
JA is the 'source' of wikileaks. Wikileaks is (or was) controlled by the CIA. JA knows the truth about Seth Rich.
What are the implications of Seth Rich's whistleblowing?
That the narrative that the Russians hacked Clinton's emails is false.
The diversionary tactic of accusing Trump and the Russians fails, allowing people to freely re-align attention to Clinton's email server issue.
Note: in 1626 Q says Server OR JA = truth exposed
One imagines that JA knows a lot more about the Democratic corruption:
Having Seth Rich whacked?
Uranium One dealings
All the attacks on Trump pre and post election (2016) seem designed to distract everyone they can away from all the corruption that the Dems were doing during the Obama era. POssibly, JA coming back to the US might represent a turning point in which that entire distraction era 2016 - 2022 has reached its end.
Considering the Durham timings, too, it's hard to think this is coincidental. Also, think: The Hunter laptop story was released just prior to the 2020 election. It's hard to imagine that the Good Guys don't have any hard and heavy surprises scheduled for August and October this year.
One thing of concern is that (I read) Assange's wife saying he would commit suicide if he is actually extradited because of all the times the CIA has tried to poison him.
That concerns me. One because its his wife saying this (I don't know her; but is she actually a good guy) and because of the possibility that this is simply narrative building.
Conclusion: buckle up, keep eyes on, and pray that God guides it all.
The timing all seems .... curious .... from the viewpoint of the Q drops, but then, the Qrops have all emphasized that JA is significant.
According to the Qdrops:
JA is the 'source' of wikileaks. Wikileaks is (or was) controlled by the CIA. JA knows the truth about Seth Rich.
What are the implications of Seth Rich's whistleblowing?
That the narrative that the Russians hacked Clinton's emails is false.
The diversionary tactic of accusing Trump and the Russians fails, allowing people to freely re-align attention to Clinton's email server issue.
Note: in 1626 Q says Server OR JA = truth exposed
One imagines that JA knows a lot more about the Democratic corruption:
Having Seth Rich whacked?
Uranium One dealings
All the attacks on Trump pre and post election (2016) seem designed to distract everyone they can away from all the corruption that the Dems were doing during the Obama era. POssibly, JA coming back to the US might represent a turning point in which that entire distraction era 2016 - 2022 has reached its end.
Considering the Durham timings, too, it's hard to think this is coincidental. Also, think: The Hunter laptop story was released just prior to the 2020 election. It's hard to imagine that the Good Guys don't have any hard and heavy surprises scheduled for August and October this year.
One thing of concern is that (I read) Assange's wife saying he would commit suicide if he is actually extradited because of all the times the CIA has tried to poison him.
That concerns me. One because its his wife saying this (I don't know her; but is she actually a good guy) and because of the possibility that this is simply narrative building.
Conclusion: buckle up, keep eyes on, and pray that God guides it all.