Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: "There will be profound degradation in Europe, the current elites will be replaced.
"Current wrong policies will lead to an increase in nationalist and extremist sentiments in European society."
Kek. You mean, as in "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...."?
Discernment is required. There is true equality, and there is fake equality. Fake equality is the one you are talking about here, imo. And I'm certianly NOT advocating for that.
Fake equality is equality of outcome. True equality is equality of opportunity. The former is a lie, an impossibility. Communists, Marxists and Globalists say "we must all be equal" but they really mean, we must be above everyone else.
I'm sorry if you somehow got the impression I was saying it is a bad idea. It's most certainly not a bad idea. In fact, that's America's destiny, in my view. It's critical.
Not sure what other points you disagreed with. Were there any you agreed with, however? Curious.