Look up how long it takes to cremate human remains using modern natural gas systems.
Then do the math on how long it would have taken to cremate 6 million people, even being overly generous on the number of ovens and even doubling / tripling up on the number of bodies in each oven (which would increase the amount of time to complete the cremation).
By my rough calculations, even being overly generous - using the standard premise of the holocaust - I come up with at best between ~ 600,000 - 750,000 bodies being able to be cremated in the "ovens" during the time in operations.
Then - think about the amount of fuel they would have needed to use to conduct the cremations - whether coal, oil, natural gas. Running all the ovens 24 hours a day would burn massive amounts of fuels to keep them at the 1,200 or so degrees needed to burn the bodies. Fuel that by then was desperately needed by the troops at the front for the armor and aircraft.
Almost all of it. Do the math.
Look up how long it takes to cremate human remains using modern natural gas systems.
Then do the math on how long it would have taken to cremate 6 million people, even being overly generous on the number of ovens and even doubling / tripling up on the number of bodies in each oven (which would increase the amount of time to complete the cremation).
By my rough calculations, even being overly generous - using the standard premise of the holocaust - I come up with at best between ~ 600,000 - 750,000 bodies being able to be cremated in the "ovens" during the time in operations.
Then - think about the amount of fuel they would have needed to use to conduct the cremations - whether coal, oil, natural gas. Running all the ovens 24 hours a day would burn massive amounts of fuels to keep them at the 1,200 or so degrees needed to burn the bodies. Fuel that by then was desperately needed by the troops at the front for the armor and aircraft.