Keep in mind that Trump posts things with his phone and phones have auto correct which makes it difficult to misspell a word. Sometimes auto correct will try to change the word to a word you don't want but it never misspells anything. Anytime a word is misspelled like that, it means he would have had to intentionally delete letters once or twice to get around the auto correct.
Most misspellings are from those of us posting things from a computer without auto correct. Things like a misspelling but also in all caps is very intentional. When Trump was president, he would sometimes put on an act to make the liberal media believe he was a bit stupid or unable to post in correct grammar but it was always done intentionally.
What the "L" is this about??
Keep in mind that Trump posts things with his phone and phones have auto correct which makes it difficult to misspell a word. Sometimes auto correct will try to change the word to a word you don't want but it never misspells anything. Anytime a word is misspelled like that, it means he would have had to intentionally delete letters once or twice to get around the auto correct.
Most misspellings are from those of us posting things from a computer without auto correct. Things like a misspelling but also in all caps is very intentional. When Trump was president, he would sometimes put on an act to make the liberal media believe he was a bit stupid or unable to post in correct grammar but it was always done intentionally.
Mispellings matter -q
He spelled stolen wrong
There are two words: "Stolen", adjective form of "to steal". "Stollen" is a type of German holiday bread.
Where does the extra "L" go?