Immortal technique taught me more than school ever did
Ironically Revolutionary 1 and 2 were some CDs I bumped nearly daily. Jedi Mind Tricks, Atmosphere, Masta Ace - Disposable Arts...back in high-school I was neck deep in ughh
Anymore I've just become kinda blackpilled (but I try to not be) so things like music sorta lost their magic to me for awhile. To quote eyedea - "I don't fkn love music, I just use it to escape"
Vomit those blackpills now fren! If you can't be optomistic at least stay neutral and just observe. You will begin to see patterns of God's goodness through it all, and laugh at the fools resisting it's manifestations!
Tbh too late for me but just be happy I'm on my Aesop shit "CANT SLEEP MUST WARN OTHERS"
I been taking care of my disabled grandpa since 2011 and when he dies I truly think I'll go with him from a broken heart but some folks die randomly so fuck it at least we here today
Said it before I'll say it again
Immortal technique taught me more than school ever did
Ironically Revolutionary 1 and 2 were some CDs I bumped nearly daily. Jedi Mind Tricks, Atmosphere, Masta Ace - Disposable Arts...back in high-school I was neck deep in ughh
Anymore I've just become kinda blackpilled (but I try to not be) so things like music sorta lost their magic to me for awhile. To quote eyedea - "I don't fkn love music, I just use it to escape"
Vomit those blackpills now fren! If you can't be optomistic at least stay neutral and just observe. You will begin to see patterns of God's goodness through it all, and laugh at the fools resisting it's manifestations!
Tbh too late for me but just be happy I'm on my Aesop shit "CANT SLEEP MUST WARN OTHERS"
I been taking care of my disabled grandpa since 2011 and when he dies I truly think I'll go with him from a broken heart but some folks die randomly so fuck it at least we here today