Any chance one of the minority parties cuts a deal and forms a coalition with en Marche? Hoping the answer is a resounding no.
My other concern is Macron will try to declare some kind of emergency and rule through mandates.
Finally, hoping this massively complicates his time filling the EU Presidency. Getting his ass kicked at home should make it harder for him to preach his b.s. to other countries. But he’s probably too arrogant to accept that.
Is that real or just Photoshop
Photoshopped. His party did not get the majority yesterday, many ecolocommies and the far right parties made sure he’d lose.
Oh, haha. Thank God he lose. He needs to go.
Im pretty sure thats zelensky's hand... guess the faggots roughed it up before ass fucking eachother
What did the hand say to the face?
Sice I’ve bee to 4cha, my autocorrector keeps suggestig the word « igger » wheever I type the letter my clumsy figers omitted.🥳
Any chance one of the minority parties cuts a deal and forms a coalition with en Marche? Hoping the answer is a resounding no.
My other concern is Macron will try to declare some kind of emergency and rule through mandates.
Finally, hoping this massively complicates his time filling the EU Presidency. Getting his ass kicked at home should make it harder for him to preach his b.s. to other countries. But he’s probably too arrogant to accept that.
I don't know about the French people, but Macron is definitely awake. 😋