I live in northern MN. Winters can be brutal. My house uses gas for heat. I am thinking about installing a wood burning stove. Lead times on these are not bad right now - it seems not many are looking toward heating when it's 90+ degrees.
Are any of you moving in this direction as part of your prep? Thoughts?
I have the Vogelzang Ponderosa TR007, it's in my basement and heats the whole house comfortably down to the single digits, it gets to 30 below in NE Vermont, on those days, I have to use portable oil filled radiators, and of course use plastic on the NW windows, and at night cover them with quilted blankets.Fortunately those terrible snaps are not the norm, but 0 nights and single digits can last for a month. If the power goes out, I can cook on it, and I always have a back up of water for that. I've been thinking about putting a small stove in upstairs for those 30 below nights. I keep our home warm with 4 cords of wood a year, with 5 cords, I have some for the next winter. I don't care where you live, a woodstove is invaluable for survival.