So. The pressure games commence. They’re hoping to get the U.K to come to the table for political concessions. In return they’ll likely reduce the sentence from death to an as of yet undefined period of imprisonment.
I’ve got no doubt they’ll probably execute them if nothing happens. But I’d expect they are handing out purposefully severe sentences such as Death. Hoping to motivate Western Governments to come to the table. Or at least get the families to pressure the Governments to come the table.
So. The pressure games commence. They’re hoping to get the U.K to come to the table for political concessions. In return they’ll likely reduce the sentence from death to an as of yet undefined period of imprisonment.
I’ve got no doubt they’ll probably execute them if nothing happens. But I’d expect they are handing out purposefully severe sentences such as Death. Hoping to motivate Western Governments to come to the table. Or at least get the families to pressure the Governments to come the table.