On a scale of 1 to 10, how believable are the following statements if I were to tell you they were true?
1 is unbelievable, 10 is believable.
1. | Natural Phenomena, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, are the direct result of us unrepentantly sinning.
2. | Sacrificing children, people, and animals guarantees a good harvest.
3. | Tarot, Zodiac, Palm Reading, Crystal Balls, Ouija Boards and any other form of Scrying are real and not just con artists using the power of suggestion.
Disclaimer! I'm not claiming any of the above are true (at least not as popular culture has presented them over the years). However... The reality is not so dissimilar as to be unrelated to the above in terms of simple acceptability.
For a small taste of what I'm getting at... there is a definite reason a full declass can't come out all at once. It HAS to be a slow-roll, because it was a slow-roll in which the Cabal brought us to the precipice to begin with. Kinda like crawling under the house to fix a clogged pipe. If you crawled there, you still gotta crawl back.
Anyways, give me a rating on the above so I know how much of the crazy can be tolerated here without me looking completely insane. I mean, I am insane... But not shit-smearing in a padded cell insane. More of the "I'm an otter who is considering lining his brain with eyes" insane...
Thanks in advance!
Another way to put it is like this:
Every action you take plants roots in the past, present, and future.
Yes, even the past.
So, when you renege on your action, and do something that contradicts your earlier convictions, you tear up all the roots you planted along with it.
Those roots hold the Universe together, as a woven fabric.
When you don't keep your word, a ripple effect goes out to everything you've ever touched and sours it. It uproots your previous deeds.
We see this in day-to-day as well.
Look at Bill Cosby -- America's Dad.
The reality of his actions in the past had a ripple effect into the future, which has now erased his past. He built up a Spiritual debt, and now has to repay that debt seven time seven times over.
Now, think to all those people Bill Cosby had touched with his family-friendly message back in the day.
And now think how a root has been torn from their flesh and left only grief in its wake.
Our actions have consequences which stem to the heart of every single individual.
That's why all of Heaven sings in joy when a sinner repents. Because they will have replanted their roots into all our hearts, and we will have all gained a friend to share eternity with, laughing and reveling in one another's company. In the company of those who overcame their fallen Self and embraced the Self that God made them to be.
That's really beautiful, Sleepy.