On a scale of 1 to 10, how believable are the following statements if I were to tell you they were true?
1 is unbelievable, 10 is believable.
1. | Natural Phenomena, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, are the direct result of us unrepentantly sinning.
2. | Sacrificing children, people, and animals guarantees a good harvest.
3. | Tarot, Zodiac, Palm Reading, Crystal Balls, Ouija Boards and any other form of Scrying are real and not just con artists using the power of suggestion.
Disclaimer! I'm not claiming any of the above are true (at least not as popular culture has presented them over the years). However... The reality is not so dissimilar as to be unrelated to the above in terms of simple acceptability.
For a small taste of what I'm getting at... there is a definite reason a full declass can't come out all at once. It HAS to be a slow-roll, because it was a slow-roll in which the Cabal brought us to the precipice to begin with. Kinda like crawling under the house to fix a clogged pipe. If you crawled there, you still gotta crawl back.
Anyways, give me a rating on the above so I know how much of the crazy can be tolerated here without me looking completely insane. I mean, I am insane... But not shit-smearing in a padded cell insane. More of the "I'm an otter who is considering lining his brain with eyes" insane...
Thanks in advance!
That post was July, 2019.
Trump WILL have his full 8 years. The clock is still ticking, and he is still President.
Which means, he's gotta get to being recognized as President again by Sept 2023. Probably September of this year will begin the formal investigations (finally) and the Military will devolve the US until they can put him back in the Oval Office, if they even wanna go near that trash heap ever again.
There is no Trump 2024. Period. He will not have three terms, which is why he has not announced a 2024 Presidential bid. I doubt he will, but war is based on deceit, so it wouldn't surprise me.
This is the 6-year gap, so I suspect he will be President again by Sept 2023, otherwise he'd be able to hold office for a total of 10 years.
He only gets to be President again when Liberals won't burn down cities on account of him. There must first be a coming to God moment for some of these depraved lunatics locked under spells of control. It's not gonna happen in an afternoon, as I have stated before.
Sorry to be dense, but why sept 2023.
That admission of "I'm ashamed of myself." specifically must occur in September, during the Harvest.
It's the only time where people truly take stock of what they have and what they lack in preparation for the cold Winter. It's still hot, and the Sun is still long, so there's plenty time to prepare and make changes if need be.
That's why September is National Preparedness Month.
ahhhh, gotcha. I'm caught up. Very interesting, fren. I like your thought process.
I think this guy might actually be a genius
Makes sense, and fits with the superbowl score.
Sheep beat Joe Donkey (and the tigers) 2023.
As for your ratings... in normie thinking they're all a 1, but with symbolism I can see how they could get twisted up to 10s.
There's simply not enough time. Think logically.
It can't be in 2022. People need a full season to adapt spiritually to the fact they were wrong.
It can't be 2024 because it's an election year. You can't mend bridges when heavy traffic is moving through town.
It has to be 2023. It's the only period of time going forward where we won't be going at one others throats because the Schedule of political events says we must. It's hard to interrupt a circadian rhythm, especially when it's a Nation's circadian rhythm.
23, too, is an occult number for "grand happenings." It's not an Evil number, even though Skull and Crossbones and the like use it all the time. The significance of the number isn't laying foundation, as that's the realm of 4's. It's the realm of groundbreaking. The Groundbreaking Ceremony
Okay, i see. I get 2023, but any particular reason for September?
hmm With regard to no Trump 2024 ... DeSantis is in the news cycle a bit this week
The thing that worries me about no Trump 2024 is that one way that makes sense is if the predictions of sterilization, VAIDS, and death caused by the jabs turn out to be real and unstoppable. Trump would surely catch some of the blame for that, and thus may not be a viable candidate by 2024.
I happen to believe that would tear an irreparable hole in the fabric of society so I don't see how it could be part of any plan to save the world. But apparently if you try to discuss it your comments disappear from the conversations. So someone here doesn't want us to even consider it. Why not? I certainly hope "the best is yet to come" means what we hope it means, but is there no room at all for any doubts?