Hello brothers and sisters. The past couple days we have been doing some amazing things together through Christ. We started off with everyone coming together and publicly proclaim Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and King . That alone was a truly beautiful thing to see. We then moved to Giving thanks for 1 thing in our lives. Truly the blessings are endless. From there we moved to asking help overcoming a sin of some kind in our lives. Well to continue in that spirit today let's all publicly ask for a need we have in our lives. Nothing to big or to small. Many of us forget it's ok to ask for thing. Just do it with a loving open heart and be ready for the answer you get. So today let's all publicly proclaim to our King a NEED we have in our lives. You hoping to find a new job? Maybe you need a friend, a relationship, a little more money to make it through. Maybe your someone that needs to see an arrest?. Christ already knows our hearts even before we ask. So let's all be honest and just share a need we currently have. JESUS CHRIST IS KING. Love you all. Together thru Christ we have endless potential
PROCLAIM HIM KING https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15IXbGki1I/jesus-christ-is-king-proclaim-it/c
THANKFUL FOR https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15IXbLI1Fo/jesus-christ-is-king-something-i/c
HELP OVERCOMING https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15IXfv9RI3/jesus-christ-is-king-something-i/c
How to join in:
- comment with a need you have today
- respond to someone elses response
- pick atleast 1 person and pray for them in your private time
Together thru Christ we have endless potential
My husband to give his heart to God.
I need the trumpets to blow.
Father I have a need for clarity and understanding so I can tie together some of the ideas in my head. Thank you Jesus for being you. You are my best friend
My Grandmother will be going to God soon. Lord, please give my family the strength to endure this loss, and the wisdom to know that it's only a temporary one, and that one day we will see her again in a world with You that is beautiful beyond words. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, amen 🙏
Amen. Sorry to hear. I know that's tough. My gma just passed a couple months ago. My heart goes out to you and your whole family. God bless u. Much love
Thanks, I appreciate it. It hurts, but if I had to choose between her passing on and going to Jesus or continuing to live and suffer in the state she's in then it's a pretty easy choice.
A nurse gave her the second dose of the vaccine without notifying my mother, who is her healthcare proxy. Within 48 hours she became totally bed-ridden and began to fall apart. That was 3 months ago and now she's on a morphine drip with an estimated week or two left. Just another tragedy brought on by evil people in high places.
I need (we need) a Second American Republic to be established....God willing.
Wisdom and discernment in knowing how to pray. There are Spirit led prayers that help, and soulish ones that hinder. Need to pray according to His will.
Need my healing. You paid a terrible price for it......so where is it?
I need to learn to be content with my life the way it is.