First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

Makes no difference when they just keep making and pushing them anyway
Up next: infants and toddlers. Millions upon millions of brainwashed, vaxed and boosted parents will dutifully sacrifice their children to Satan because it will reinforce that they made the right decision to poison THEMSELVES, so they naturally should poison their children to death also.
The death-jab push is not slowing down; it's accelerating. The more deaths that get reported, the more they are shrugged off as sudden adult death syndrome or something else, and the more people get more shots.
And what about the blood supply? Tainted by the vaxx? Do the blood banks test for vaccine ingredients? Probably not. So if the un-vaxed need an operation or transfusion, we’re fucked, right? I wish there were blood banks for the unvaxed. The left would lose their collective, communist minds. That’s reason enough it should be done.
If you have a surgery planned you can donate blood for yourself. It's called autologous donation. That blood can only be used for you. Speak to your doctor as he will need to 'prescibe' this donation.
Emergency needs... we're kinda fucked right now.