First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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Makes no difference when they just keep making and pushing them anyway
Up next: infants and toddlers. Millions upon millions of brainwashed, vaxed and boosted parents will dutifully sacrifice their children to Satan because it will reinforce that they made the right decision to poison THEMSELVES, so they naturally should poison their children to death also.
The death-jab push is not slowing down; it's accelerating. The more deaths that get reported, the more they are shrugged off as sudden adult death syndrome or something else, and the more people get more shots.
And what about the blood supply? Tainted by the vaxx? Do the blood banks test for vaccine ingredients? Probably not. So if the un-vaxed need an operation or transfusion, we’re fucked, right? I wish there were blood banks for the unvaxed. The left would lose their collective, communist minds. That’s reason enough it should be done.
I was in this situation last week with a gi bleed. They believe it was stomach ulcers as they found them on an EGD. I told them I wanted to go after 2 days because I would not take a transfusion because they don't separate the jabbed, non jabbed blood. That was basically the only treatment so no reason to stay with bad food that wasn't nutritious for me considering I needed food high in iron. I asked about a family transfusion but they don't do those, I guess for emergent situations because nurses there told me they do them in anticipation of a hip or knee replacement for family. I'm also in a private group on TG of former coworkers who have created a pool of non jabbed donors. Luckily the bleeding stopped on it's own and it's wasn't necessary. I appreciate the prayers from those here who prayed for me. I would definitely have on hand anyone who may be your blood type and would be willing to donate I'd you need it.
I've been there. Ulcers can be miserable, like being gut shot, literally. Anyway, to get iron I'd recommend you try Glory brand canned collard greens. They are really good and do wonders to improve iron poor blood. Years ago after cancer surgery and chemo my blood was really iron deficient. I started eating the collard greens 3 times a day and my numbers improved dramatically. I spoke to a pharmacist friend who said the iron in collard greens is exactly the type my body needed in the correct form for my body to digest and use. Just passing this along. You might want to keep a few cans in the pantry in case you get into this situation again too.
Luckily (and also because we raised them well), all of my children have my blood type, so we can donate to each other if necessary. My husband also has the same type, but is positive. He could still get blood from us.
many have used artificial blood, banked their own, or used saline as a blood alternative
Do you know how someone can bank their own blood, hippielouie? I thought of this and it seemed like a good idea, but I can't find any blood banks that will store it.
sorry i have no idea. check w a hospital? i know this is done tho.
Autologous blood transfusion. I did this when I donated bone marrow. The hospital set it up with me. You go in several days before the operation and they take a couple pints over the course of a few visits. They use that blood during the procedure.
If you have a surgery planned you can donate blood for yourself. It's called autologous donation. That blood can only be used for you. Speak to your doctor as he will need to 'prescibe' this donation.
Emergency needs... we're kinda fucked right now.
I Know...exactly, they seem to completely ignore the facts and just get it anyway.... Today on the radio coming home from work I hear one of our Medical Professors whos in Charge of Covid something or other task team(I kinda blank out when I hear Covid/vaccine/mask shit) talk about getting vaxxed...incidentally on the day we finally don't have to wear masks anymore....He says we should still be better off if we have THREE or FOUR vax shots!! and wear a mask if you want to be safer....These 'people' are fucking insane.....
The push isn't slowing but the resistance is growing. My adult children have turned the corner on the vax because they think this infant to 5 year old thing is ridiculous. Sadly they are both vaccinated. Refused to get boosted. I try to tell myself that the booster is the kill shot.