"4D CHESS." That's this meme's title over on our larger, public Q board, PATRIOTS.WIN. But down here at Q's dedicated research board? WE know what the real title really should be:

Wait, patriots.win is a "public Q board"? I though it was a bunch of ass hat douches, or am I thinking of the donald.win?
Either way, the memery is strong with this one...
You're right. They openly mock and ridicule "Qtards" and "larpers" who think "the military is going to save the country."
They're borderline normies.
They’re blackpilled normies that watch Fox
They hate fox, lol. They know the election was stolen, they know BLM is bullshit, they know CRT and trannies are an abomination, they just think we lost our country.
Well not everyone who's there is a doomer. Patriots.win was all I had for a while until someone posted a link to this site. I was looking for hope doing anything I could. I knew about Q and the chans but I didn't know how to navigate them.
I know was not alone in seeking truth there. I was just misplaced lol.