Preface: I didn't believe in it. I thought I was being scientific and basing my opinion on well researched medical facts. I was wrong.
Starting with the forced vaccination campaigns is when I started to distrust the medical industry. I was ignorant about herbal medicine and I thought it was a bunch of ineffective wives tails and confirmation bias. I thought "Of course you got better, you just had to wait, but now you think your cream healed you because you put it on and didn't die while you healed like normal"
Holy hell was I wrong.
So it turns out that your doctor is still pretty damn good resource, however, like most people, he's also completely ignorant about pharmacy.
Ever hear of these plants?:
- Comfrey, also known as knit-bone
- Horsetail
- Yarrow
- Plantain
- St. John's Wort
- Lungwort
- Stinging Nettle
- thistle
I heard the names of some, I even read about some, but fuck me this stuff belongs in every single yard in existence.
Comfrey had been used as medicine for over 2000 years. Know what it does? The Roman army certainly did.
So it turns out that it's called knit-bone for a reason. It contains allantoin and rosmarinic acid. It's the most powerful healing thing I have ever read about in my entire life. 2000 years of observational evidence backed by dozens of of double blind, multicenter, randomised control trials.
Literally the gold standard of science. Grow this fucking plant. The FDA desperately doesn't want you to have it despite the medical evidence and had been trying to scare people away from using it because if you abuse it you could hurt your liver.... Sounds like most medicines to me.
Horsetail is nutritious and will stop you from bleeding out in an emergency.
Pharmaceutical grade bleed stop, like what you get for your dog to stop their mail bleeding if you accidentally cut into the quick, is made out of yarrow. It's a traditional remedy, dried and powdered yarrow will stop the bleeding and help block infection because it's also antibacterial. WTF, why isn't it in the camping section at Wal-mart?
Plantain is anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-fungal. It's so effective you don't need it to be sterile to work and keep your wound clean. You can chew the stuff into a poultice to put on your wound from your dirty ass mouth and it still works.
St. John's Wort will relieve anxiety, depression, insomnia and psychosis. It's undisputed and medically accepted. It just has a lot of drug interactions.
Lungwort is great medicine when you are sick and congested. As the name suggests, it helps your breathing and lungs. My two daughters were sick, my wife decided to test it on them. It worked just like our herbal medicine books said it would.
Singing nettle is extremely nutritious and will help you get a good night's sleep for real if you make a tea with the fresh stuff. Just be prepared to either have extremely vivid dreams and/or lucid dreams.
Thistle: you're not ready to hear this lol. You should grow Thistles on purpose in your own yard...on purpose, like intentionally, without planning on getting rid of it....for real...
There are a lot of things that we eat and a lot of waste metabolites that are fat soluble. Or modern life is placed with herbacides and pesticides as well, some of those are also fat soluble. Lots of us have abused our livers as well.
Guess what? Thistle forces that shit out of your fat and into your blood, simulated your liver, improves liver function and helps you get all that shit out.
Are you unallergic to certain foods, but "break out" when you eat them or get joint issues? That's because your liver sucks. Go eat some thistle, especially the roots. The stalk can be cleaned up with a vegetable peeler, its like celery, the roots are where most of the good stuff is though.
There's more plants and more proven effects of them.
Most of them you were misguided to think of as weeds or poison.
God is trying to take care of us.
I am glad you opened your eyes to the beneficial use of herbs. I enjoyed the article on comfrey. I have great respect for the German Commission which has brought great natual healing protocols to the world. Planting these different plants would be a great resource. I have used herbs in all capacities with great success but I have never grown anything but mint and Aloe. If you purchase herbs make sure you buy standardized preparations so you are guaranteed a proper, consistent percent of active ingredient.
I have been using herbs in my natural healing alternative protocols for over 45 years with great success. For people who like to buy herbal teas I recommend Traditional Medicinals which has a wonderful assortment that are very beneficial. I also keep echinacea/goldenseal on hand and take at the first sign of any illness. It is available in liquid for children. Echinacea boosts your immunity and goldenseal dries up mucous. I have used St. John's Wort with great success for depression. I have several great reference books and you can pick up many great resources at resale shops and used books stores. There are too many good authors to mention.
Symphytum Officinalis is the homeopathic preparation of comfrey. These are very easy to keep on hand and have the same benefits as the herbs since that is where it is derived from. There are certain homeopathics that are must haves such as Arnica (injuries), Apis (stings), Rhus Tox (poison ivy), Oscillicocinum (flu), Ipecac (throwing up and pneumonia) and SO many others for colds, etc. You can buy basic kits that contain 30 of the most common homeopathics. Also, Scheussler's Cell Salts are a great benefit. I have a materia Medica as one of my resources but Dana Ullman has wonderful books on how to use homeopathics. There are many others.
And then there are Essential Oils that are also derived from plants. I successfully use these in many cases of dis-ease. Right now I have vertigo and I use VertigoX (EO) with great success. When the bottle is empty I will make my own blend. I make many blends, creams and capsules suggested by Scott Johnson, who has excllent resources books for EO's.
All are very useful and have their place. Each modality is a complete study and discipline to learn what to use, when to use, how to use, safety precautions, storage etc. I have spent almost 50 years learning to use many of these different modalities as I raised 5 children. I will also add that you should be aware of foot reflexology which is super easy to use and accupressre points and a zapper. I like Michael Murray and James or Phyllis Balch's books for reference. I pretty much feel prepared to take on anything. I also make my own colloidal silver and there are a couple more modalities I need to learn that have been suggested here. I also have made and I use ear candles, which are great.
Natural healing becomes second nature after you learn the basic principles. I have a lot invested in alternative healing but we spent very little on doctors and only had very few hospital/emergency room visits. I always tackled one condition at a time and learned how to successfully treat. On occasion I might go to the doctor to get a disgnosis if I was stumped and then come home and treat naturally. For example I never took my kids to the doctor for earaches. I always used garlic which was peeled, then softened in water in the microwave and placed in the ear for 24 hours. The kids looked funny with cotton taped to their ears but it always worked. Mullein oil also works. I also always used several healing modalities together to get maximum synergy or healing effect. To me this was a fun challenge and many times I really just had to trust God for the knowledge I needed and he never let me down. Knowledge is power.
Where is a good place to buy homeopathic remedies from?
Well, some of the kits are online. Swanson, GNC, Wal-mart or Vitamin Shoppe sell single remedies. Swanson used to sell a kit. Just type a search into the computer for homeopathies or homeopathic kits. The strength remedy should probable be 30X or 30C for a single remedies kit. There are many blends available from all vitamin stores so you can shop according to ailment although homeopathics are about identifying a symptom picture and treating a symptom with a single remedy rather than treating a specific "illness". There is some variance on using a single remedy or blend.
If you plan to get a book and study the use of single remedies I would certainly buy a kit. If you just want to start treating certain conditions homeopathically then I would buy some blends. I have many liquid blends that I have from Natra-Bio that I refill when they get low with a 20% grain alcohol mixture in spring water. I also have used Boiron, Helios, Kings, Standard Homeopathies, Similia, Newton, Bach (Flower Remedies/Rescue Remedy. I actually even ordered some from India for some of the rarer remedies. There are some good online sites and teachers that even do classes. I was introduced to homeopathics in 1980 when I made my own initial homeopathy kit from someone who had acquired someone's collection of mother tinctures. The knowledge of homeopathics has served me well in the past 40 years. I do believe Dana Ullman's books are the best beginner resources. It is a VERY interesting study!!! Good luck and Godspeed.