Great tribulation/persecution such as the world has ever seen and The pouring out of the vials/ Gods wrath, are two completely different things! False teachers have taught a lie. Even Kirk Cameron has admitted that the left behind series is incorrect and based on a theory that is no older than 250 years. The KJV has been in existence longer.
Know you Bible
Study to shew thyself approved, a workman need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth!
Scofield wasn't the first. The apostles were. It's all in the Bible. Luther even taught it. The Old Testament time was salvation by faith and works. We are currently in the dispensation of Grace, salvation by faith alone. During the tribulation it is back to salvation by faith and works, not taking the mark, etc. During the Thousand Year Reign, salvation is by works alone, Christ is on Earth, you do not need faith. Different dispensations.
There are no church ages persay and it has never been works. Christ said, Peter said, Paul said, Christs Grace is sufficient. For God so loved the world that WHOSOEVER BELEVIETH . It is not of works, lest any man should boast. It is by faith alone through Grace alone and the works come from the Holy Spirit that guides the believer (new creation) to do that which God had written on his heart and mind. Too many theologies out there that over think the scriptures when it really is simple. It confirms itself over and over in different dialect
Have you read this?
Or are you just going by what other people say? I was once LOST in the scriptures, unable to make heads or tails of it because I did not rightly divide the word. What does the phrase "rightly dividing the word" even mean but dispensation? Why would a professing believer in Christ need to be "ruled with a rod of iron?" Do you eat pork, observe the Sabbath Day?
Trust me, brother.
It was the 14 year old girl, forgot her name, and John Darby who spread it like garbage. Then Scofeild decided he could get rich selling bibles so, he did!