You raise a great point, QA. If this is indeed the real Q team, we should expect to see additional confirmations such as your exact example in the future.
The fact there are none yet makes it very suspect along with Jim over explaining himself about why it wasn't him "I'm in SOCAL, it couldn't' have been me!'
My belief it's the real Q is down to about 5%
Edit: and honestly, I wouldn't expect Q to return during the phase where the people need to feel the precipice to wake up.
Frustrating to see that someone downvoted you for healthy skepticism, QA. I wonder sometimes how many people actually took Q's constant reminders to think critically to heart.
I can't say my belief is as low as 5%, but it's far, far from 100%. I'm willing to give whomever this is a week or two to prove who they are. But I'm with you completely in your skepticism.
Agree, a Trump Q delta would put me at 99% confirmation.
You raise a great point, QA. If this is indeed the real Q team, we should expect to see additional confirmations such as your exact example in the future.
The fact there are none yet makes it very suspect along with Jim over explaining himself about why it wasn't him "I'm in SOCAL, it couldn't' have been me!'
My belief it's the real Q is down to about 5%
Edit: and honestly, I wouldn't expect Q to return during the phase where the people need to feel the precipice to wake up.
Frustrating to see that someone downvoted you for healthy skepticism, QA. I wonder sometimes how many people actually took Q's constant reminders to think critically to heart.
I can't say my belief is as low as 5%, but it's far, far from 100%. I'm willing to give whomever this is a week or two to prove who they are. But I'm with you completely in your skepticism.
No probs. I can see people wanting to believe Q is back and downvoting lol.
Similar to that alien poster that says “I want to believe”
Also, how do we know that Watkins hasn't been compromised somehow and even if it wasn't him, it was someone else with access? Feds?