This question has been nagging at me recently. Aborted human remains? Just throwing it out there, no sauce even though we know fetal cells are used in products.
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Evidence of mass poisoning by GMO's? Shelves baron of GMO foods? Countless shipping containers with GMO food not offloaded? Remember Dick Cheney? Haliburton? Liz is running for cover.
Possible: maybe remains, not necessarily aborted? Causing food shortages more likely, with frankenfoods coming to the rescue.
Yep it's one of those things. I think I going to be happy I can eat out of the garden when the possibility of food taint comes out.
Watch your back getting those letters!
They are certainly to further the cabal agenda.
It's a good thought. It would that those in control of the plants know that something is coming from which they need to hide. That would be glorious.