We should be Pro constitution.
The constitution explains exactly what powers the Federal Government has. Those powers are the only powers that the Federal Government constitutionally have. Anything else is a State matter.
We really need to stop buying into their terminology.
If you talk to someone about these things let them know it is not really about Abortion or Guns. It is about the Federal Government unconstitutionally claiming the powers that are reserved for the states.
This is exactly what is happening. Watch this video of President Trump during His Inauguration speech talking about this. Watch for one minute. (Until the military guys walk away)
You can see this has been planned out years ago. You can also see the symbolism that the military is involved.
I wrote this post a few weeks ago:
You pointed to the 10th Amendment, but don't forget the 9th Amendment (the one judges, attorneys, and politicians don't want us talking about).
The federal government has two jurisdictions, which are created by the Constitution. It is the intentional (and unlawful) blurring of these two jurisdictions that has allowed the federal government to unlawfully seize power they do not rightfully possess.
In 1956, Congress formed a committee to discuss and publish a report on "what is federal jurisdiction." The report was really over a sub-set of jurisdiction, referred to as "federal enclaves," but they had to explain it more broadly to get to that issue.
Here is the report:
This is federal jurisdiction (it has two components):
(1) The federal government as jurisdiction over specific SUBJECT MATTER, such as post offices, bankruptcy courts, foreign commerce, and other subjects that are enumerated in the Constitution. The federal government has jurisdiction over these subjects, no matter where the physical ground is that involves these subjects. ALL OTHER SUBJECTS, that are NOT enumerated, AND which occur on land that is within a State, are NOT under federal jurisdiction. Abortion would be one of those subjects. Not an enumerated power under the Consitution for the federal government, so it is left to the States ... OR THE PEOPLE. That is what the 10th Amendment says.
(2) The federal government ALSO has EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction over FEDERAL TERRITORIES, such as Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.
MOST LAWS that are abused by the federal government (they do NOT have jurisdiction within the States, but CLAIM they do) are a sleight of hand where they write a law that ONLY applies to the federal territories, or to a specific subject matter under federal authority, but they ENFORCE it AS IF it applied within the 50 States, even though it does not.
This is EXACTLY what the CDC did with face mask "guidelines." There, they were even more nasty about their deception because they never issued an actual regulation, but merely a "guideline" that they pretended was a lawful directive via regulation. When I read their own claim of legal basis for the guideline, and looked up the federal statutes passed by Congress, there was NO authority to do what they claimed they had authority to do.
They ... LIE ... all the time, and that is how they get away with it. That, and our collective ignorance.
(2b) The "federal enclaves" are also under federal exclusive jurisdiction, and those are federal areas WITHIN the geographical boundries of the States, but are under federal exclusive jurisdiction, like a federal territory. These are mostly military bases and lands that were excluded from State jurisdiction when Congress approved statehood. Nevada, for example, has 90% of its land under federal jurisdiction because that was a condition of statehood. Alternatively, a State can grant federal exclusive jurisdiction of a portion of its land if the State legislature approves. This was done for military bases in the original 13 States, since the feds had no authority otherwise.
Read any of Trump's EO's and you will see that he ALWAYS distinguished his authority by the proper jurisdiction.
Also, read the new bill on gun rights restrictions. You will see that it is written to apply ONLY to "guns used in interstate commerce," or guns that "might" be used in interstate commerce. They always write it to be lawful or look lawful, but then they ENFORCE it in an UNLAWFUL manner. The "might" be used is a con job they pulled from a case back in the 1930's, but that is another discussion.
They do NOT claim that they can imposed this law within the 50 States. Because they cannot (lawfully). If we see a RvW type bill from Congress, I guarantee it will be written to ONLY apply to federal territories and/or interstate commerce, but the media and corrupt courts will pretend it applies universally.
This is the BIG CON of how the Constitution has been usurped by the criminals in government, media, and schools (law schools).
The 9th Amendment is also important, because it tells us that we have ALL rights that the founders had, even if they are not mentioned in the Bill of Rights, except where such a right or power was granted to government. We cannot create our own post office, for example, because that power was granted to the federal government. But there are not many of them, and all other rights are RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE.
On the issue of abortion, it was not a right at the time of the founding, and States could and did outlaw or restrict it. So, it is not a right under the 9th Amendment, and also not a right under the convoluted reasoning of the bogus Roe v. Wade decision.
The ONLY thing Dobbs did was to right the wrong that the Roe court imposed.