Ezra Cohen posted two videos on his Telegram account (if he actually has a Telegram account). What do these two videos signify, and also consider the minimalist commentary that goes with them:
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Ezra doesn't have a Telegram. Only Twitter i believe. Proceed with caution.
This telegram account has never been verified and more than likely not managed by ECW
I saw that late last night. My immmediate thought was the NWO West had done something horrific that Russia must respond to.
This may not be real ECW but it's a very high quality channel with multiple FF warnings just before they happened.
My take on these videos? Return of the King.
I pray you're right.
This account is not Ezra Cohen.
I suspected as much. Any idea whose it is?
I saw this last night too and the post claimed it was Putin being rushed to the Kremlin like there was some emergency but nobody knew what it was about. Notice on Ezra’s post he put “established” under the video which is also what Q posted. Wonder if this is real or what’s going on if it is.
2nd Vid: Massive response.
Just looks like normal things.