Las Vegas is F*CKED ... Running Out of Water and Electricity
🌎 Great Reset 🚱
A couple of locals have been doing videos on the alarming drop in water levels at Lake Mead. It's nothing new. It's been going on for 20 years. But now, it is at crucial levels.
Here, they show how the water level has dropped, and how the reservoir is running dry:
In this one (more recent), they show how the turbines at Hoover Dam, that generate electricity, are just about far enough out of the water that they won't be able to produce electricity anymore. That will shut down 1/3 of the electricity in Las Vegas:
A lot of swimming pools there.
That water will kill you if you try to drink it. Lots of chemicals in the water (not straight chlorine but additives as well). And - if the SHTF happens or there is no more electricity after the hydro dries up the pool pumps will die and that water will go stagnant, fill with algae, or even deadly bacteria. Pools could be used for flushing toilets. That's about it.
Hopefully lots of people have solar or it could get very hot indoors.
OP is right - this can be a tragedy.
You should be able to build a solar still and evaporate it, that will leave the salts behind. But folks won't be that smart.
This is true but it would take an awful big surface area to distill enough water for a family to drink/use for cooking/use for washing or cleaning/use for pets. It would work temporarily though. Good call-out.
When they do hopefully they and the cali transplants here in the north wipe each other out and the desert rats can watch with amused grins…