That's a full 6th of the total state ballots how is this even possible? I just can't fathom there being such ginormous cheating, even knowing what I know!
Thats what alot of people still dont get. Not only were they using dirty voter roles to inject large amounts of fraud. They were vote switching and throwing away Trump votes to allow them to inject more. Then the number one glaring problem is there were more total votes in the country than registered voters and thats including the dirty roles. About of the 135 million I believe it was total registered, there were over 150 million votes. And on top of all that, 99.99999% of all errors, late votes, adjudicated ballots, etc ALL went for Biden? Its so freaking obvious yet people still deny it. Those who deny it to this day are either A) in on the fraud / support the fraud or B) Are literally too fucking stupid to be saved. All this madness needs to end now. Too many good people have suffered and are suffering. I am on the brink of losing multiple family members due to the corruption in the medical field alone. All this needs to end. All of them need to be in jail and people who actually care about the country and its people need to fix all this. Literal lives are being lost DAILY to "show" the option B people what is happening. Its too late for that. Fuck'em. I dont care anymore. This corruption and neglect and absolute bullshit coming from the health care system, education system, and judicial system needs to fucking end. Period. All the B people can be old yeller'd and I wouldnt even blink. Enough is ENOUGH!
That's a full 6th of the total state ballots how is this even possible? I just can't fathom there being such ginormous cheating, even knowing what I know!
Thats what alot of people still dont get. Not only were they using dirty voter roles to inject large amounts of fraud. They were vote switching and throwing away Trump votes to allow them to inject more. Then the number one glaring problem is there were more total votes in the country than registered voters and thats including the dirty roles. About of the 135 million I believe it was total registered, there were over 150 million votes. And on top of all that, 99.99999% of all errors, late votes, adjudicated ballots, etc ALL went for Biden? Its so freaking obvious yet people still deny it. Those who deny it to this day are either A) in on the fraud / support the fraud or B) Are literally too fucking stupid to be saved. All this madness needs to end now. Too many good people have suffered and are suffering. I am on the brink of losing multiple family members due to the corruption in the medical field alone. All this needs to end. All of them need to be in jail and people who actually care about the country and its people need to fix all this. Literal lives are being lost DAILY to "show" the option B people what is happening. Its too late for that. Fuck'em. I dont care anymore. This corruption and neglect and absolute bullshit coming from the health care system, education system, and judicial system needs to fucking end. Period. All the B people can be old yeller'd and I wouldnt even blink. Enough is ENOUGH!