whether the offspring growing inside the woman's uterus is PART OF HER BODY because it's attached by the umbilical cord, or NOT PART OF HER BODY.
With modern advancements in science, the question just gets murkier and fuzzier. Because babies can survive outside the mother at just a few months of gestation, with some luck and millions of dollars' worth of equipment.
With logic and reason thus in gridlock, people turn to emotion and belief:
Fervently held religious belief that it's a separate individual person from the instant of conception; and fervently held secular belief backed by hysterical emotion that it's still part of her body (even 30 days or more after it's born) (!).
And, except for coerced masking and forced social distancing and injections and the booster and the second booster and the third booster and the fourth booster, it's my body my choice, dammit.
We still have not definitively determined as a species whether the offspring is a physical part of the woman's body when it's attached to it and the size of a golf ball or softball. In biological terms it fits the definition of neoplasm, which is a fancy medical term for tumor. But literally no other tumor has the potential to ever live on its own and become a sentient, independent being. This is the special case of all special cases, because a human life is hanging in the balance.
In an ideal world, no unwanted pregnancy would take place, and no abortion would ever occur, because horrific killing. Also, no child would ever be unwanted or be abused, trafficked, tortured, and murdered after entering an orphanage or adoption center. Sadly, that's become the norm. We don't have that ideal world. So the battle rages on.
It's insanity, given that contraception and even the morning-after pill have existed for years and years. There's just no legit reason for a pregnancy to progress to abortion any more. Especially this late-term crap, it's beyond nauseating.
I'd like to see something done about the vile and despicable unwanted-baby industry, though.
whether the offspring growing inside the woman's uterus is PART OF HER BODY because it's attached by the umbilical cord, or NOT PART OF HER BODY.
With modern advancements in science, the question just gets murkier and fuzzier. Because babies can survive outside the mother at just a few months of gestation, with some luck and millions of dollars' worth of equipment.
With logic and reason thus in gridlock, people turn to emotion and belief:
Fervently held religious belief that it's a separate individual person from the instant of conception; and fervently held secular belief backed by hysterical emotion that it's still part of her body (even 30 days or more after it's born) (!).
And, except for coerced masking and forced social distancing and injections and the booster and the second booster and the third booster and the fourth booster, it's my body my choice, dammit.
We still have not definitively determined as a species whether the offspring is a physical part of the woman's body when it's attached to it and the size of a golf ball or softball. In biological terms it fits the definition of neoplasm, which is a fancy medical term for tumor. But literally no other tumor has the potential to ever live on its own and become a sentient, independent being. This is the special case of all special cases, because a human life is hanging in the balance.
In an ideal world, no unwanted pregnancy would take place, and no abortion would ever occur, because horrific killing. Also, no child would ever be unwanted or be abused, trafficked, tortured, and murdered after entering an orphanage or adoption center. Sadly, that's become the norm. We don't have that ideal world. So the battle rages on.
It's insanity, given that contraception and even the morning-after pill have existed for years and years. There's just no legit reason for a pregnancy to progress to abortion any more. Especially this late-term crap, it's beyond nauseating.
I'd like to see something done about the vile and despicable unwanted-baby industry, though.