"Pro-choice" = pro-murder. I saw an idiot libtard (apparently) male DEMONstrator standing solo in NW Washington State yesterday with a sign reading "Fascists Christians Screwing Women."
So, I wondered what would possess he/she/it/they to take that "position."
1 - Do non-fascists and non-Christians NOT screw women? Well, GAY ones don't. Hetero female ones don't. This alone seemed to explain much. The chances that the apparently male DEMONstrator is homosexual is therefore fair, at least.
2 - Assuming that the "protest" (AKA public display of idiocy, sociopathy and/or insanity) was about SCOTUS' Roe v Wade reversal, are SCOTUS Judges automatically either Fascists, Christians or both? Well, we know that isn't the case. Did they Become fascists, Christians or both by ending legalized murder? Christians, perhaps, but then only in the process of deliberations and not categorically through their individual votes. Fascists, then? NOPE. Preventing the mass Murder of babies in the womb clearly has nothing at all to do with fascism. Doing it at the federal level clearly doesn't either -- especially when the Decision involved deep deliberation and was supported by Constitutional law. I therefore that contend that the chances of the DEMONstrator being a Satanist are also fair, at least.
3 - Is his/hers/its/their contention that by reversing RvW, SCOTUS as a body is screwing women? Well, not through its collective decision, in the Biblical sense. In the figurative sense, then? NOPE. Aside from rape or incest - both of which are vile and abhorrent - I would venture to guess that the vast majority of abortionists volunteered to be screwed, or were instrumental in initiating the screwing. (NOTE: This is commentary only, from my perspective so I'll recommend self-study for sauce on this. I'd be surprised if the leftard media allowed the actual percentages to be published, or that IF allowed they were accurate.) So, my guess here is that the chances of the DEMONstrator being either asexual, idiotic or possesses by the leftard media are ALSO fair, at least.
I suppose I could go on, but in my mind this person proved single-handedly that personal bias and/or idiocy are at the core of any demand for baby killing. I rest on SCOTUS' case.
"Pro-choice" = pro-murder. I saw an idiot libtard (apparently) male DEMONstrator standing solo in NW Washington State yesterday with a sign reading "Fascists Christians Screwing Women."
So, I wondered what would possess he/she/it/they to take that "position."
1 - Do non-fascists and non-Christians NOT screw women? Well, GAY ones don't. Hetero female ones don't. This alone seemed to explain much. The chances that the apparently male DEMONstrator is homosexual is therefore fair, at least.
2 - Assuming that the "protest" (AKA public display of idiocy, sociopathy and/or insanity) was about SCOTUS' Roe v Wade reversal, are SCOTUS Judges automatically either Fascists, Christians or both? Well, we know that isn't the case. Did they Become fascists, Christians or both by ending legalized murder? Christians, perhaps, but then only in the process of deliberations and not categorically through their individual votes. Fascists, then? NOPE. Preventing the mass Murder of babies in the womb clearly has nothing at all to do with fascism. Doing it at the federal level clearly doesn't either -- especially when the Decision involved deep deliberation and was supported by Constitutional law. I therefore that contend that the chances of the DEMONstrator being a Satanist are also fair, at least.
3 - Is his/hers/its/their contention that by reversing RvW, SCOTUS as a body is screwing women? Well, not through its collective decision, in the Biblical sense. In the figurative sense, then? NOPE. Aside from rape or incest - both of which are vile and abhorrent - I would venture to guess that the vast majority of abortionists volunteered to be screwed, or were instrumental in initiating the screwing. (NOTE: This is commentary only, from my perspective so I'll recommend self-study for sauce on this. I'd be surprised if the leftard media allowed the actual percentages to be published, or that IF allowed they were accurate.) So, my guess here is that the chances of the DEMONstrator being either asexual, idiotic or possesses by the leftard media are ALSO fair, at least.
I suppose I could go on, but in my mind this person proved single-handedly that personal bias and/or idiocy are at the core of any demand for baby killing. I rest on SCOTUS' case.