There are two premises that you must absolutely understand to truly comprehend our situation:
Elections are no longer legitimate.
Our government, businesses, and institutions are extremely corrupt.
If you understand these two premises then you understand that we have extremely limited options in regaining control of our country through any standard means, if any actually exist.
It all depends on how rigged the elections are and how corrupt the government is. If we are beyond the point of no return in terms of these things, meaning that there is no legitimate way in which we can simply elect/vote our way out of this situation, then we are in a massive pickle with only 2 good ways out.
The 1st way out, the way that has been used throughout human history, is civil war. This is not a favorable option. It’s a last resort. Let the world hope that it does not come to this.
The second way out is through some miracle along the lines of Q’s discussions, military tribunals, war tribunals, militarily returning elections to a free and fair status, judicially correcting the laws to prevent fraud, or some other means of massively disabling and removing our own corrupt government and those who are in league with the corrupt in order to return the power to the people.
As far as I can see these are the two options if things are really as bad as they seem to be. Hopefully things are not as bad as all that, but if they are then you can understand why we search for an answer beyond normal means. It’s because there is no other answer to be found for our dire situation.
Of course we will still pursue all avenues available, and we will have to wait to see what happens.
In case you missed it, here's Jovan Pulitzer's presentation just given in AZ about the 2020 election. Start at the 60 min mark:
I learnt a lot, the biggest thing was the relative small amount of politicians, 7000 or so that would need to be paid off, at say 1 million dollars each per year only adds up to 7 billion, from a country worth around 450 trillion including assets.
They cheated the election before it was run, not after. All that happened after was to fraudulently get the votes needed by many means to make it add up, and get Biden installed.
It was what Covid was all about, at the end of March 2020 the machines that stuffed the ballots into the envelopes were bought, many of them, knowing the lockdown would be in place. Then days after that the USPS switched protocols about scanning all envelopes and keeping that data from 6 years to 30 days. And 30 days after the election, the USPS switched the protocol back to holding the data for 6 years. Nobody was locked down until around the beginning of July 2020!
All planned in advance, remember Pelosi's little trip out to Chyna in the beginning of Jan 2020? There is a uni party in power and has been for a long while.