Did 'health' agencies not push "laws" making it easier for vote fraud to occur? Could this be their way of addressing 2020 while appearing to stay completely non partisan?
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Makes sense to me. Even if this isnt what happens it still feels hella good to see actual progress
Also, the outrageous crap "laws" and rules produced by the EPA (named target in this), the BATF, IRS, BLM and all the other fedzilla agencies.
This has a lot to do with the size and reach of federal government, and very little to do with the 2020 election. It potentially can do a lot for state sovereignty and state responsibility, but even in 2020 the states ran their respective elections.
The lockdowns were all state-run and state-enforced, as shown by the different experiences in the different states. The biggest fed agency influence was the FDA trying to control prescription drugs, but even there, the states had a lot of leeway, taking something like ivermectin and HCQ as examples: moved to OTC and/or given freely in some states whereas other states tried to eliminate them entirely; I think California made canine (not equine) ivermectin, which used to be on the shelf in supermarkets and pet stores, only available with prescription. But if they rule constitutionally, they'll take the FDA down many notches as well.