If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
If youve been reading Q since Oct 2017, you know what I mean
Edit to clarify--what I mean is there is a Q way of speaking and this lacks it.
Ok eg this stood out immediately: Use your logic
Tell me why this is not Q like
I wanted to let you know that even though I didn't give a full response, I did read through everything you sent (twice). I don't always have time to respond to things that I don't have a good response for, but I didn't want you to think I ignored the work you put into explaining things, and I appreciate it. It's a good bit to add to my background for further conversations on this stuff.
I appreciate you getting back with me.
You may ask... Why is all the crazy esoteric stuff I posted relevant?
More of this is about to come into the spotlight.
This is Crimo's (Highland Park Shooter) mother's website.
Denise Pesina
Trilogy Energy Systems is committed to the wellbeing of ALL energy systems. A FULL SPECTRUM HEALING cooperative.
One person has the ability to influence innumerous lives.
Beginning with your healing, you have the ability to emit higher vibrational frequencies affecting all of those around you.
These vibrational frequencies are filled with healing energy affecting patterns of lower vibrations, thus changing thought patterns and cell consistency. The universal frequencies accessed through healing will reach a broader spectrum of space and time, opening up new levels of abilities and resources. These new levels of abundance will not only be accessible in your life, but in the lives of all of those you love, reaching ever so farther than you can imagine.
Imagine intertwining these frequencies with others on a healing path, creating a web of transformation across the universe, healing all of those who cannot heal themselves.
The Occult stuff is real. The Rosicrucians set up their current information/messaging system.
Sir Francis Bacon.
Bacon, Shakspere, and the Rosicrucians
I wouldn't have stumbled upon this if not for researching Q. How else might you discover what these nutjobs who rule the world believe in?