It seems this ruling alone didn't change a whole lot by itself, but it set a precedent for 3 letter agencies to be sued for overstepping their authority. So it seems to have opened the flood gates for future lawsuits and change.
It’s more about power. Think deepstate. As Gregg Phillips said...agencies like EPA are what built the deepstate. And entrenched them. Now we the people, can see. We can see whose allowing certain decisions to take place. Through Congress. And...if the good guys control Congress. Get ready for who knows what! Exciting times. What happen today is the deepstate being drag into the light. Exactly what we want.
It seems this ruling alone didn't change a whole lot by itself, but it set a precedent for 3 letter agencies to be sued for overstepping their authority. So it seems to have opened the flood gates for future lawsuits and change.
It’s more about power. Think deepstate. As Gregg Phillips said...agencies like EPA are what built the deepstate. And entrenched them. Now we the people, can see. We can see whose allowing certain decisions to take place. Through Congress. And...if the good guys control Congress. Get ready for who knows what! Exciting times. What happen today is the deepstate being drag into the light. Exactly what we want.