Bad ruling. Thomas's dissent was spot on, per usual with Goat Thomas. Did anyone here actually read any of the ruling, or Thomas's dissent? Anyone actually read the facts of the case? Or did you all just read the clickbait headline? "Oh boy good news for vets!" And yet, bad, bad news for states. The case itself is quite stupid. The veteran who brought the case, has a valid claim against the FEDERAL government for injuries suffered while in service. But he does not have a valid claim against the state of Texas for their inability to give him back his exact same job that he can now no longer safely do as the result of his injuries. There is no case. The state of Texas was not wrong. The bigger constitutional question over whether states lose their right of immunity in these types of suits, seems to be lost to nearly everyone in this thread. Actually read and comprehend Thomas's dissent. Thomas is correct. Kavanaugh and Roberts fucked up.
It's far more reaching of a decision than that because reverses well established precedent and the original intent of the constitutional legal question.
Bad ruling. Thomas's dissent was spot on, per usual with Goat Thomas. Did anyone here actually read any of the ruling, or Thomas's dissent? Anyone actually read the facts of the case? Or did you all just read the clickbait headline? "Oh boy good news for vets!" And yet, bad, bad news for states. The case itself is quite stupid. The veteran who brought the case, has a valid claim against the FEDERAL government for injuries suffered while in service. But he does not have a valid claim against the state of Texas for their inability to give him back his exact same job that he can now no longer safely do as the result of his injuries. There is no case. The state of Texas was not wrong. The bigger constitutional question over whether states lose their right of immunity in these types of suits, seems to be lost to nearly everyone in this thread. Actually read and comprehend Thomas's dissent. Thomas is correct. Kavanaugh and Roberts fucked up.
In this individual case, it sounds like SCOTUS has given him the right to sue the state of Texas all he wants, however he's not going to win.
Each case would have it's on certain circumstances.
It's far more reaching of a decision than that because reverses well established precedent and the original intent of the constitutional legal question.
OK, thanks. Good to know.
Reading PDFs on the smartphone becomes tedious.
Indeed, it nearly fried my brain reading everything from this one, the Oklahoma case and Dobbs... definitely better on a laptop or tablet