I worked in DC as a low level federal agency administrative assistant/research for years, and trust me the SCOTUS WV v. EPA Ruling ROCKS THE CASBAH - Bigger Win Than Roe End imho
⚠️Seizure warning⚠️

Cool! can you explain a little bit about what people are talking about over there, what kind of concerns or complaints or whatever are they voicing? I find this intriguing.
So this is not just a ruling pertaining to the EPA. Big point number one. Congress MUST explicitly delineate the rule or agency policy. No more political appointees sabotaging agencies or making it up as they go.
So the whole green greta carbon made up cabal attack on US energy is moot, but that is just the beginning. Take a knife and carve off any dept. not created by Congress. LBGTXYZ enforcement via any fed agency, like Dept. of Ed = NOPE. Not a law made by Congress. Hidey going to make schools teach CRT or lose lunch money from HHS = NOPE, not a law by Congress.
You get the idea.
Yes anything in the CFR Code of Federal Regulations and not mirrored in the USC United States Code (laws) then that can be a target for elimination.
Congress could in theory just copy/paste the CFR into bills to get passed, but that would be a train wreck as many Congress and special interests will slice and dice that bill into Swiss cheese that won’t make any sense and will die in committee going nowhere. This is good. This will slow down regulatory state quite a bit it seems.
This is what I got from it:
U.S. Federal Law is supposed to be made by the U.S. Congress.
The U.S. Congress is supposed to be freely and fairly elected by We, the People, so that we know exactly who they are and what the hell they're doing.
U.S. Federal Law is NOT supposed to be made by nameless, faceless, unknown bureaucrats whom Congress "delegates" to decide how things will be run.
...nameless, faceless, unknown bureaucrats who can be bribed, blackmailed, or threatened into doing exactly what the Congressional "delegators" want them to do.
That makes sense, i just wanted to hear how they were panicking