I worked in DC as a low level federal agency administrative assistant/research for years, and trust me the SCOTUS WV v. EPA Ruling ROCKS THE CASBAH - Bigger Win Than Roe End imho
⚠️Seizure warning⚠️
The thing that sucked most about my job was that I had to disabuse the best people, the true good citizens of America, of their hopes for honest government and hand them the truth of how the swamp protects itself at the expense of people whose rights they trample upon. And a federal admin agency lawsuit for most is ruinous. So kudos to WV for fighting for its self-preservation and winning.
It made me a John Birch conservative in no time. My co-workers were also and were like "welcome aboard." But we had no power to fix it.
Admin state including LE, regulatory and administrative elements routinely employed lawfare against resistors....most cave because they will be both financially and reputationally ruined if they resist. And they claimed that their rules had the power of law, so they had all the power. this is the end of the proverbial "little old lady in tennis shoes" who refuses to do anything she doesn't like and just waits out the leadership until someone comes in who will support her.
Absolutely. Obama wanted to hand Bundy's grazing land to a CCP mining company or so went the scuttlebutt. The administrative law exec branch govnt was a way to sell America to the highest bidder. And by the time of Obama, it had become utterly treasonous.
I still can't unsee the murder of LaVoy. Had his hands up & was shot, reached to check blood & then the other agents knee jerked him to death.
Got it. Thank you.
When Trump was 17 there was an article with a photo of him and his dad. The article talked about them being members of the John Birch Society. My parents were too and so was I so a understand how red pilled he was from a very young age.
Tweeny boppers on /pol/ have NO idea who the Real Trump is.