Dude, do just a tiny bit of research. Nazis, fascists, commies, socialists are ALL leftists. They ALL have the same goals of control of the means of production and enslavement of the people. They just have different ways of achieving those goals.
I See you're point and agree that government wise they are all authoritarian in nature, but the Nazi's were completely opposite of leftist culturally. They authoritatively got rid of the transgender, gay, and porn culture, they wanted nothing to do with it. They saw how leftist artistic expression was rotting their culture from the inside, and they ridded themselves of it. They heavily pushed nuclear families, wanted a prosperous middle class, free from drugs, and smut. They certainly had no tolerance for Pedophiles, free loaders, and transgenders.
How you can consider them leftist is beyond my understanding, they are far closer to the authoritarian right from my point of view. But NAZI's bad, very bad so I guess clumping them in with the leftist makes sense, am I right?
You are wrong, Hitler had NO problems with homosexuals in the Nazi Party itself. What they did to "rid" their culture of those things was exactly how leftists would do it. You said the word itself, authoritatively. It was done to control the population, enslave them. Nazis ARE Leftists.
Nazis are leftists.
Dude, do just a tiny bit of research. Nazis, fascists, commies, socialists are ALL leftists. They ALL have the same goals of control of the means of production and enslavement of the people. They just have different ways of achieving those goals.
I See you're point and agree that government wise they are all authoritarian in nature, but the Nazi's were completely opposite of leftist culturally. They authoritatively got rid of the transgender, gay, and porn culture, they wanted nothing to do with it. They saw how leftist artistic expression was rotting their culture from the inside, and they ridded themselves of it. They heavily pushed nuclear families, wanted a prosperous middle class, free from drugs, and smut. They certainly had no tolerance for Pedophiles, free loaders, and transgenders.
How you can consider them leftist is beyond my understanding, they are far closer to the authoritarian right from my point of view. But NAZI's bad, very bad so I guess clumping them in with the leftist makes sense, am I right?
You are wrong, Hitler had NO problems with homosexuals in the Nazi Party itself. What they did to "rid" their culture of those things was exactly how leftists would do it. You said the word itself, authoritatively. It was done to control the population, enslave them. Nazis ARE Leftists.