Here's what NY is trying to do:
- Restrict locations where firearms can be carried
Hochul says the legislature will create a definitive list of sensitive locations where guns cannot be carried. This would include: schools, summer camps, playgrounds, parks, theaters, entertainment venues, places of worship, educational institutions, health facilities, government buildings, shelters, public transportation, at public demonstrations and places where alcohol is consumed, like restaurants and bars
Make “no open carry” the default for businesses
The new law would require businesses to make it clear if concealed handguns are allowed at their establishment.
“Any business, grocery store, retailer, private home – place that wants to allow guns on their premises will have to demonstrate that and establish that they put a sign out there that says concealed carry guns are welcome here,” said Hochul.
The governor says this is to protect the rights of business owners, patrons and the public.
- Tighten permit requirements
A provision in the bill would require applicants to turn over a list of social media accounts so officials can verify their “character and conduct.”
Hochul also wants the state to its own background checks in addition to the federally required screenings.
- Bolster safe storage rules
Under the new legislation, guns cannot be stored in vehicles and homes with children 16 and under must demonstrate that they store guns in a safe place.
- Restrict body armor sales
This includes updating the definition of body armor to include any soft or hard body armor and limiting sales only to those who need it for their profession.
What part of shall not be infringed don't they understand? I can't imagine this will stand if the house passes it. Thoughts?
Unconstitutional and Kathy....Go fuck yourself. Tyrant
It's real bad...Not that anything in here is defensible under the constitution, but armor? Talk about making it obvious that they want people defenseless. It can’t be used as a weapon, it protects people from flying bullets. Could be a crazy person’s bullets, could be the government’s bullets…read that again…
New York knows that it then becomes a stand alone and can be voted out of the union.....would be radical but a GREAT Lesson for ALL in the future
Shall not be infringed!
2nd amendment exists to restrict the government.
All unconstitutional. GFY, NY. The big rotten apple.
Shall Not Be Infringed......................BITCH!