Supreme court explicitly mentioned the need to allow a person to be armed while traveling to or from an area where they my feel at risk.
The police cannot disarm every person who acquires
a gun for use in criminal activity; nor can they provide bod-
yguard protection for the State’s nearly 20 million residents
or the 8.8 million people who live in New York City. Some
of these people live in high-crime neighborhoods. Some
must traverse dark and dangerous streets in order to reach
their homes after work or other evening activities. Some
are members of groups whose members feel especially vul-
nerable. And some of these people reasonably believe that
unless they can brandish or, if necessary, use a handgun in
the case of attack, they may be murdered, raped, or suffer
some other serious injury.
Supreme court explicitly mentioned the need to allow a person to be armed while traveling to or from an area where they my feel at risk.
The police cannot disarm every person who acquires a gun for use in criminal activity; nor can they provide bod- yguard protection for the State’s nearly 20 million residents or the 8.8 million people who live in New York City. Some of these people live in high-crime neighborhoods. Some must traverse dark and dangerous streets in order to reach their homes after work or other evening activities. Some are members of groups whose members feel especially vul- nerable. And some of these people reasonably believe that unless they can brandish or, if necessary, use a handgun in the case of attack, they may be murdered, raped, or suffer some other serious injury.