Russian Trial Of America-Hating Brittney Griner Begins… And Her Prospects Look Increasingly Bleak
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It's hard to feel sorry for someone who trashes our country the way this person did/does. She won't even enter an arena to play ball until after the National Anthem is over. What a piece of shit.
Ugh. Hard to drum up sympathy for this weirdo.
Good. Fuck her.
No thanks.
Exclamation not verb.
Watch, they’re gonna release that she’s a dude
Nice article.
Russia’s justice system is much less corrupt than ours. And that goes back a hundred years at least. If they say she did it, she did it, and she deserves what’s coming to her.
" The Russian Federation has wrongfully detained Ms. Griner,’" I'm calling BS on this recurrent theme of him being a political pawn and worngfully detained. Brit did the crime. She/he attempted to smuggle illegal drugs through Russian security. She/he got caught. Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time.
When the evidence convinces the judge it's over in a civil law country (as opposed to a common law country -- law of the city vs. law of the land). The judge has no leeway, he applies the code like an untalented cook applies a recipe; just turns the crank.
It is amazing how the MSM protrays him as a "poliitcal pawn" and being "wrongfully detained". Brit got caught (not allegedly, but for real) smuggling illegal drugs into Russia. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - dumbass! The Yeti gets what he deserves, all 10 years hopefully. On the bright side Brit will be able to add some interesting, unique, "one of a kind" tattoos to his already defaced body. Do svidaniya comrade!