100 Year-Old Decorated Veteran Breaks Down Crying: “This Is Not The Country We Fought For”
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This Anons! 👆🏻! If both of my grandfathers were still alive, this is how they would react. Though mine on my mother’s side would be a lot more hostile and verbal directly toward Xiden. He was a Navy Chief Medical Core Supply Man who ran medical supplies to front line medics during the invasions of Iwo Jima, Saipan, and when we finally arrived in Japan after they surrendered. Luckily he got to be on leave for his prior 2 battles and avoided Okinawa. My other grandfather only entered the war at the end and was in the first platoon of troops to enter civilian Japan to disarm the surrendered country. Anyway, they both did not fight for a woke and broke, socialist/communist Untied States. And of course that’s I hope how each Anon here feels too. And at some point very soon, if the populous can’t turn the tide using current means, we may need to do so just like my grandfathers Expect me/us to do. We must Trust the Plan, and use that Plan to disrupt and destroy the Cabal every step of the way. But if all else fails, use the 2A in the end to restore freedom to all. Because Where We Go One We Go All, with Christ our Lord.