note: i should have made this post yesterday, because a lot has changed in the last 24 hours, and a lot of the stuff i should have archived, didn't get archived, and so a lot of stuff has already been forum-slid off into the memory hole...
In his dissent, Clarence Thomas claims that COVID vaccines were developed with the use of "aborted children."
If you do a google news search right now (July 2, 2022) you will find a flood of news articles about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (and his wife Ginni) being Q anon followers,
BECAUSE Thomas has repeated the alleged Q anon conspiracy theory, about COVID vaccines being made with aborted human fetal cells.
google news search for q anon, and q anon thomas.
I can’t believe QAnon has a sitting Justice on the Supreme Court
There is a QAnon believer on the Supreme Court.
This should be a very very big story.
FIRST of all, this is a really clever way to spin, how many different narratives?
The Supreme Court is extremist, out of step with popular opinion, and scientific reality, and needs to be reigned in, perhaps thru court stacking.
Clarence Thomas is woefully misinformed on the important issues of the day. his wife probably shit-posts memes at GAW.
COVID vaccines are safe and effective
Its a conspiracy theory to suggest vaccines are made with aborted human fetal cells
its another Q anon conspiracy theory. Comet Ping Pong doesn't even have a basement!
today is the day, that all of these seemingly different issues, all come together, into one bigger story.
they are obviously trying to mis-inform and mis-direct the public,
and so already today, the people who are so inclined as to make a public statement on social media about aborted fetal cells in vaccines, have had an ample opportunity to do so,
BUT they also just opted themselves in, to being red-pilled in their inbox...
so if you have a twitter, send a tweet with a link to some red-pills.
Q: are human fetal stem cells, that were obtained thru elective abortions, still used in vaccine production in 2022?
the pro-vaccine people have a play book, which is very predictable.
their first instinct is always to LIE, LIE, LIE, and DENY, DENY, DENY...
it's what they do. its what they have always done.
and for thousands of years, they have been getting away with it.
but not anymore, because now we have the internet, and we can look stuff up.
we didn't even have the internet when i was in school.
anyway, the pro-vaccine people KNOW that using cells from aborted fetuses is HIGHLY controversial, especially among the PRO-LIFE/ ANTI-ABORTION side.
so their FIRST move is always to DENY IT, and LIE about it.
and dismiss it as a "conspiracy theory",
and attribute it to Q anon's, for extra spicy sauce.
which is exactly what you are seeing today.
but then, the so-called anti-vaccine side, ("Q anon's, by their debate frame)
come up with some irrefutable FACTS,
such as the FACT that these aborted fetal cell lines, actually have wikipedia pages, and we can link to the wikipedia page,
and further troll them, by encouraging them to edit the wikipedia page, if they don't like what it says, thereby subtly jabbing one of their favorite sources for info.
WI-38 is a diploid human cell strain composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 3-months gestation aborted female fetus.[1][2] The cell strain, isolated by Leonard Hayflick in the 1960s,[3] has been used extensively in scientific research, with applications ranging from developing important theories in molecular biology and aging to the production of most human virus vaccines.[4] The contributions from this cell strain towards human virus vaccine production have been credited with avoiding disease in, or saving the lives of, billions of people.
here are some of the human cell lines, that are used to make vaccines,
and they even try to frame it in a moral / ethical / "saving lives" kind of way.
frame: the aborted fetus was a waste, but at least it helped save a billion lives.
in the mind of (the satanist), there is this kind of moral, ethical arithmetic,
where its already "ok" to abort any fetus, for any reason, at any time,
and vaccines are a miracle of science, and saving lives is virtue signaling.
so what if ONE aborted fetus is going to DIE anyway, during an ABORTION?
the fetus could have been a complete waste, but instead they created a stem cell line, which has been credited with saving BILLIONS of LIVES!
at this point in the debate, i like to poke them with some questions about evolution, and survival of the fittest,
and why HUMANS, alone at the top of the evolutionary food chain, require vaccines, and yet no other species requires vaccines?
their rebuttal is that we humans, alone amongst the species, can afford to save the lives of the lesser-fit, and so its our obligation to do so.
and then my rebuttal is, the human population has exploded in the last few hundred years, to the point where its causing major stress on the environment, the food supply chains, the forests, the oceans,
what do you intend to do? save so many lives, with your vaccines, that we have an additional 1B people on earth in 20 years time?
we are literally breeding a human sub-population that is becoming dependent on vaccines for survival, because according to vaccine theory, vaccines save the lives, of those people who would have otherwise died of some vaccine-preventable infection,
and those "immune deficient" kids, grow up, and go on to have immune deficient kids of their own.
so saving 1 life in 2022, might be the same as saving 5 lives in 2042.
and what are these additional "saved mouths" going to eat in 2042?
ask the WEF World Economic Forum!
so you can frame the entire concept of "saving lives with vaccines" as a mission that is at odds with their other beliefs, such as survival of the fittest, and human over-population, and man-made climate change.
say something to them, that is absolutely absurd, but that makes them think about things in a new way.
"for the sake of planet earth, for the sake of the future of the climate, we need to make sure to remember the principle of evolution, which is that there is an environment, and that environment creates challenges, and therefore only the fittest will survive,
this is the theory of evolution, the principal of evolution ...
... and furthermore, if we are ever to successfully reduce the human population, to a sustainable level of just 500M as carved in the Georgia Guide Stones,
it would be far better to ABORT the pregnancies of the immune deficient, than to VACCINATE pregnant mothers people, and their immune deficient children, and grandchildren...
And furthermore, since AUTISM is GENETIC,
and we now have a genetic test for autism (not true, but they will want to believe it)
that we could test every pregnant WOMBman, and her "clump of cells" fetus,
we could ABORT all of the AUTISTIC FETUSES!
autism is genetic, and therefore its a birth defect,
and birth defects are a very socially acceptable reason to have an abortion.
and since about 1 in 68 kids is born autistic,
think of the time and resources that we could devote to the non-autistic students!
theres really no such thing as a BAD reason to get an abortion,
but AUTISM sure sounds like a GOOD reason to me!
Margaret Sanger was a visionary. you should look up a list her of quotes!
She founded Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood taught eugenics to the Nazis,
the Nazis who then used eugenics to build the same white master race thats in power in Ukraine, crushing those filthy Russian's!
so as you can see, eugenics works!
therapeutic abortions are legit healthcare!
less weak un-fit autistic REE'ing
more strong, fit white nationalists!
so anyway, you aren't really telling them anything they don't already believe,
BUT you are putting all of these beliefs on a collision course with each other, and the cognitive dissonance is going to be the greatest train wreck of all time.
the world's biggest shit, hits the world's biggest fan.
after the pro-vaccine side reluctantly ADMITS that aborted fetal cells have always been used in vaccines,
astronaut with the gun meme
they will predictably sing the praises of aborted fetal cells, and how just a few cells have been able to save so many lives thru vaccines.
because at this point in the debate, the FACTS are irrefutable,
and at the same time, the FACTS don't seem so bad, in the mind of a satanist.
"so what, if a lot of vaccine-good, came from a not-so-bad abortion"?
the mind of the satanist, might now be perfectly primed, for a grand awakening,
they will predictably ask good questions, like,
Q: "why on earth would anyone use a cell from an aborted fetus, to make a vaccine???"
A: because some viruses are unique to humans, and only replicate in human cells. therefore in order to grow the viruses necessary, to make your precious vaccines, the viruses must be grown in "just a clump of cells". those human cells, that are used today, were obtained from an aborted fetus, many years ago.
Q: what other kinds of cells are used in vaccine production?
A: chicken eggs, which is why some vaccines cause "allergy" to chicken eggs, and why some people can't take certain vaccines, that are made with chicken eggs.
and also Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. (CHO), which is why some vaccines are known to cause PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Q: what happens when you inject human DNA into another human ?
A: you have an immune reaction to the human DNA, which we call "auto-immune disorders/diseases"
injecting human DNA in your body, causes you to have an immune reaction to human DNA, tissues, proteins, etc
if there is an organ in the human body, there is probably associated with that organ, a "very rare" auto-immune disease, that is caused by vaccines, that contain human DNA.
while any particular auto-immune disease might be "very rare", the shear breadth of potential auto-immune diseases that are caused by vaccines, means you are very likely to have some sort of auto-immune reaction, even if your unique expression is "very rare"
it is important to remember, that the very purpose of a vaccine, is to stimulate a strong immune response, to an intended antigen,
BUT that there are endless unintended consequences, that the pro-vaccine people will DENY DENY DENY, and that is the very strong immune response that the vaccines cause, to everything else in the vaccine, including human DNA,
Q: what could possibly go wrong?
A: well, let's say a cell line that you have been using for decades, might one day be discovered to be infected with a virus that you weren't previously aware of, and that virus is known to cause cancer.
thats exactly what happened with SV-40 cancer virus, that was given to millions of people, and caused millions of cases of cancer.
So, the question at hand today, is, were aborted fetal cells used in the development of COVID vaccines?
Is Clarence Thomas wrong? misinformed? a Q anon dupe?
i would say YES, fetal cells were used in the development of many vaccines, including "some" COVID vaccines.
Did your particular COVID vaccine, or booster, contain human DNA?
was yours Pfizer?
Pfizer documents reveal vaccines trigger autoimmune skin blistering. 8,476 trial participants developed skin/ tissue disorders. VAERS database shows recipients experienced skin lesions. NIH archives contain medical studies on autoimmune dermatosis post-vax. Is monkeypox a cover for vaccine injuries?
your immune system doesn't just randomly decide to attack some part of your body,
your immune system decides to attack part of your body, because it has been trained to do so, with a vaccine, that contains human DNA, protein, etc
Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines' use of fetal cells Two candidates on White House short list will receive up to $1.7 billion
Official Vatican statement on the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines
Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby with abnormal, modified genes. The cell line is likely to be very old (1960s). My immediate thought is what aborted hellspawn DNA was used and what percentage of the population is contaminated with it?
Super sad video of a man begging his girlfriend/wife not to have an abortion
The world's leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath
Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in 2 Minutes
Impressive length. Thanks for the share fren!