Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election for Joe Biden and Says They Would Do It Again
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The CIA lying about Hunter Bidens laptop is a lot bigger than “nothing to see here move along”
He didn’t get caught stealing a cookie.
He got caught, as a powerful and well connected CIA agent, suppressing CRIMES ON A GRAND SCALE of the Biden who was running for pres.
Suppressing information and crimes which given the proper exposure and media attention would have SURELY cost him the election, even w all the cheating.
So yeah. Treason. Move along now.
Even if all that is true, most of us processed this story months ago and we've already moved on. The misleading headline is counterproductive.
Yeah and remember when absolutely nothing happened? But that’s OK, we were told, because it was part of setting up a trap. Just like Fauci stepping all over the constitution repeatedly and nothing happening to him but it was part of a “sting” to “trap“ him. They were fake losses! There was real winning going on behind the scenes which is the only place it ever goes on, and all of the losses that happened very publicly they were fake, you see!
Because there’s a secret plan from an Internet super spy fairy man who’s gonna save everyone! How did any of those traps work out for you fucking faggots?
What happened to Fauci? Oh, that’s right, he got away with it. So there was no trap. None. He’s going to continue to live out his days until he dies of old age and you people will pretend it was a secret hit by the white hats.
I’ve never seen a more delusional group of motherfuckers in my life.
Anyone who suggested the 2020 election wasn’t secure was called a commie, they were called bots, they were called agents, they were called glowies and shills….
And then after the election was stolen anyone who believed it wasn’t allowed to be stolen by the secret white hat team to set a trap, they were now communists and shills and glowies.
Wake the fuck UP.
Are you actually trying to black pill this board the week after overturning Roe vs Wade, preserving 2A, and delegitimization almost all Fed bureaus?
If the 2020 stolen election was not part of the plan, it certainly should've been. Never in my lifetime has being a liberal Democrat been so unpopular among normies and young people. Democrats are projected to suffer their worst election losses in the history of their party. Voter ID laws are being passed.
Q said for years to not interfere with an enemy while they're destroying themselves. Your problem is not that this isn't happening, it's that it's not happening on your preferred timeframe, which is a strange reason to start OD'ing on black pills.
There are two options
Are Illuminati Families orchestrating and or fighting over the top of the Pyramid as the One World We Go Natural Economic Order is installed once and for all as the Phoenix Rises from the ashes of Paper Currency.
Into a New Age of Digital Mark of Beast/merging of Man and AI, Demonic Entities finally presenting themselves to mankind as our saviors/Gods/Angels, Exotic Weapons false flags, all while by passing Heaven and sending our souls into eternal enslavement in Digital purgatory of some sort…..
Or B ) He’s the opposite. Think Mirror.
I don’t know what you’re doing about things on your end, but on my end I’m hoping B or just sitting around waiting for the futurama hand chip thingy. Shrugs.
Then again, I do remember a rather interesting post on VOAT of a Freemason website made right before Q post which went on and on about this “operation Q” thing being given the blessing and good to go by the organization.
Make Feeemasonry Great Again!
Dawning of a New Age.