How to FLUSH the SYSTEM from TOP to BOTTOM: Anon Theory πŸ€”πŸ’­ Theory πŸ˜²πŸ’‘
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +319 / -0

Sharing this from a fren, who has been keeping his eye on things.

He's originally from a European country, and has lots of ties to people on the ground there. He's got a tech engineer background, and has worked for major phone companies in the past, so knows very well about how the entire surveillance thing works.

This is his current take on things.

How about that (my take on things):

You turn around/replace the leadership at the top and upper levels of the cabal pyramid (that's been happening since 2017). Then you have the issue of how to remove the critters at the bottom and lower levels. This is so ingrained and perverted, it's virtually impossible to find all the rats. So you pretend to the rats there still is the old top level, and this top level hands down orders that are completely unlawful (even in their own corrupt system), not signed, not ratified etc etc. Vaccine mandates, lockdowns, fines, etc etc. Completely ridiculous stuff.

You have now set a trap, and all the corrupt minions - thinking they still enjoy the protection of the ruling elite, and that they can do whatever they want without having to suffer any consequences - take the bait. The lawyers, the school principals, the doctors, pharmacists, police, bureaucrats, etc etc - all of them. We've experienced them over the last two years, mindless, egotistical, ruthless people that have no empathy and act as willful satanic Nazi slaves. At the same time this set trap helps the normies to see the lunacy in it all, so speeds up the awakening process. Double whammy!

The lower level rats go against their duty of due diligence and thereby expose themselves and commit crimes against humanity. But there's no safety net for them now, no big daddy to run to.

Remember also, that for the last few decades we've had total surveillance, everything got recorded (https://www.businessinsider.com/att-buildings-around-us-reportedly-used-as-part-of-nsa-spying-2018-6?op=1), so everything is known to those who hold the control (which is not the old guard!!!).

Put this together and you've set the perfect trap for all the rats to just put a marker on themselves. What will happen next is the "harvest", military style (literally!). It has already started in Europe, I have first hand confirmed info from personal acquaintances over there that this is exactly what's happening.... Yes, it is getting bumpy.