We're going to do it.
It might not be soon, and the land in which your home is on might not be called America when it happens, but it will be done. Christ is King of Kings. It's inevitable.
The very dirt you stand on to protest the Lordship of Christ is His dirt. The technology platforms you use to insult and mock Christians are His technology platforms.
'There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace...From then on and forevermore.' Isaiah
“And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed. Dan 7:14
Christianity won't die.
And He will speak peace to the nations; And His dominion will be from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the earth. Zec 9:10
The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. John 3:35
This is just a small sampling of what's to come. Roe is a taste.
So this fourth of July when you're eating hotdogs and watching fireworks and complaining about the overturning of Roe V Wade... Just know it's all in vain. God gave you a taste of his goodness and a preview of what's to come. Submit now. Repent. Come and welcome.
May God bless America, and all the nations of the earth.
"God Wins" isn't just a slogan, it's a promise and the entire theme of the Bible.
You're over target, bud. These Christian demons talk the talk but don't walk it. They're all still sinners but now they have a "get out of sin free card" that they think makes them good with God. Let's not get into the retarded salvation formula and altar calls.
They're in for the shock of their existence at the hand of the One they claim to know. They somehow think that, because they stand for some right things and post scripture, they'll survive and blossom into a theocracy.
Christians, you damned pretenders. Your contributions to evil are weighty and you will pay the price for that which you are responsible. Here's a few:
Spreading a false religion and gospel.
Pandering and adhering to false doctrine.
Clergy abuses.
Misrepresentation of God and the gospel.
Taking His name in vain.
Worship of unsanctioned holidays.
Speaking highly of but disregarding the law of God.
Idol worship.
Using a wishful false doctrine to gain subordinates through fear, coercion and emotional instability.
Just a few. What these people here don't understand is that blood of God's enemies will fill the streets but that includes them. Ill be glad to help when they come to my door.
Jesus Christ is real. He is God, Savior and Lord and there will be a theocracy but these stupid Fucks won't be a part of it.
Sorry, posers, but God's judgment won't just be for them.
Not all of us are catholics.
Same spirit, different practice. You're lumped in together. The Mother of Harlots (RCC) and her daughters (nominal Christiandom). God really doesn't distinguish between the two.
You're both dead in the water. Whats more is that you're completely blind to it. Even this very conversation will gloss over. The Bible says that he gives your kind over to delusion because you hate the real, actual unadulterated truth. I see it here everyday and I kind of rear back to shake my head in silence at the fact that I once was part of the beast system and was as ignorant as those who have no idea that they're headed to the chopping block.
No one knows about the false religions more than I do. It's like 95%. I have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, I will be given the mind of Christ and the body of Christ. I will rule with Him for a thousand years on Earth with a mansion in the New Jerusalem, where there is no temple because God is the temple. Most Christians have no idea what I just said. They just haven't been taught.