Been meaning to share this for a while. I discovered it some years ago and used it to heal damaged nerves after an operation left one side of my groin completely numb. I used DMSO and after a while all the feeling returned.
Since then its helped with severe arthritis. I'd been taking MSM and Glucosamine Sulphate for some time, With DMSO topical applications to affected areas freed me of all pain and reduced bone swelling.
Carpal tunnel was another problem that caused a lot of pain. Tried The Carpal Solution without success (money back guarantee is a con - no replies). In desperation I used MDSO with a few drops of Magnesium oil (another must have item) and the pain has gone. Still get a little tingling and further applications get rid of.
Recently I tripped and fell awkwardly: my foot was badly bruised and sprained. Daily applications of DMSO and Mg oil - no pain, was able to walk without hobbling. After 4 days the swelling went. Used it also on painful shoulder and badly hurt shin - pain all gone.
Demonised in the west where Big Pharma deemed it unsafe for human use, it is widely used in E Europe to cure cancer, strokes, blood clots and much more. The 99.9% pure I get comes from Poland. I believe it is available in the US for animal use.
What is DMSO? - European American Evangelistic Crusades (pdf)
and other articles available online. Observe the protocols and its perfectly safe, I've not had any side effects. Took a small dose orally a while back and in seconds my congested sinuses cleared and I could breathe deeply; it was as though I'd been transported to the top of a mountain.
It has remarkable healing and restorative properties - worth looking into. Could be a life saver for vax damaged people. Wish I could persuade people I know with ADHD and autism to try it, seems it can help with that as well.
Have you tried Buhner herbs for Lyme? I’ve had Lyme and Bartonella for 40 years, was misdiagnosed with “Multiple Sclerosis.” I’ve had great success treating with Japanese Knotweed, Cats Claw, etc and my LLMD put me on LDN. It takes so long, it’s been 3 years of healing, but I’m now off almost all herbs and supplements and doing so much better. All my “MS” symptoms are gone, funny how that works.
How wonderful! I don't have to tell you what an excruciating journey it has been. I am taking N Acetyl-l-Cysteine Alpha Lipoic Acid-Collagen-High Ptency B complex-Ubiquinol Co Enzyme-Glutamine-Enzymes with probiotics.Since I've been showing symptoms of Mass Cell Activation from the Lyme, I have to stay out of the sun,my doc wants me to follow low histamine diet for now, nothing fermented or cured, ages, smoked, etc. Gluten free. Claritin and Zantec. I have started Colloidal silver 2 teaspoons morning and night-and as soon as the herbs come I am doing a parasite cleanse with Wormwood Black Walnut and Oregano Oil. Once that is done, I am going to use the Japanese Knotweed Cats Claw. I just found out last week after years of terrible arthritis, hip replacement. If they had caught it back then it would not have done as much damage, but the antibiotic treatment does not assure to get all of those little devils. I will miss cheese greatly, but my Doc thinks if I can get the inflammation down, some things can be reintroduced. I've used Colloidal silver for years to fight infections, it works. I realize this will be a long process, but life with Lyme is only a half life. The vitamins are not cheap but luckily I have the means as I dont spend my money on things I do not need. God Speed in your recovery.