Been meaning to share this for a while. I discovered it some years ago and used it to heal damaged nerves after an operation left one side of my groin completely numb. I used DMSO and after a while all the feeling returned.
Since then its helped with severe arthritis. I'd been taking MSM and Glucosamine Sulphate for some time, With DMSO topical applications to affected areas freed me of all pain and reduced bone swelling.
Carpal tunnel was another problem that caused a lot of pain. Tried The Carpal Solution without success (money back guarantee is a con - no replies). In desperation I used MDSO with a few drops of Magnesium oil (another must have item) and the pain has gone. Still get a little tingling and further applications get rid of.
Recently I tripped and fell awkwardly: my foot was badly bruised and sprained. Daily applications of DMSO and Mg oil - no pain, was able to walk without hobbling. After 4 days the swelling went. Used it also on painful shoulder and badly hurt shin - pain all gone.
Demonised in the west where Big Pharma deemed it unsafe for human use, it is widely used in E Europe to cure cancer, strokes, blood clots and much more. The 99.9% pure I get comes from Poland. I believe it is available in the US for animal use.
What is DMSO? - European American Evangelistic Crusades (pdf)
and other articles available online. Observe the protocols and its perfectly safe, I've not had any side effects. Took a small dose orally a while back and in seconds my congested sinuses cleared and I could breathe deeply; it was as though I'd been transported to the top of a mountain.
It has remarkable healing and restorative properties - worth looking into. Could be a life saver for vax damaged people. Wish I could persuade people I know with ADHD and autism to try it, seems it can help with that as well.
Any thoughts on this working on numbness in feet and outer sides of thighs?
Been experiencing numbness in my feet a few years now but also feel swollen at times as they start feeling tight in shoes but pretty sure still the same size.
Outer thighs started about a couple years ago and thinking it's effecting my sleep as I'm a side sleeper.
I've looked up and tried all sorts of supplements with no luck, I've mentioned both during doctor's visits several times and been told a couple times it's probably diabetes, lets wait for blood test results. I am overweight and way more so at the time but at the most was ever diagnosed with being pre-diabetic. Any who, I never followed up on the numbness.
The thighs may be from a diabetic issue, when I was diagnosed prediabetic I was heavily drinking and consuming obscene amounts of carbs.
As for my feet, I heavily suspect those stupid Addidas slippers with the nubs. I'd bought a pair thinking it would be like a foot massage but found out quite the opposite. No recollection of how long I ended up wearing them before tossing, but it was a bit and then went to wearing with socks to help reduce the "massage" but after seeing holes wearing into the socks I tossed em. I'm not known for my powers of recollection, but I'm fairly certain this is about the same time I started experiencing the foot issues. Although again, was drinking heavily, smoking too.
Anyways, I've tried numerous things with no results, in general none of my issues are debilitating, but I think the thighs are inhibiting sleep and my feet inhibit lengthy walks and tightish shoes.
I'm guessing the DMSO is applied topically? Any guides for use would be appreciated as well.
Topically on clean skin. Tips on use in many posts on here. Hope it gives you speedy relief.
So you don't dilute it, full strength applications?
Are you using liquid or gel?
I get 99.9% pure and dilute with purified water: 30% max if used on face and neck, 50-70% on rest of the body. May be wise to start with lower doses, be aware that it is a strong detoxifier so you may get mild reaction. Can also be mixed with aloe vera and other things like magnesium oil - good for arthritis, sprains etc.
Awesome, thanks!
I'll still have to research a little more, but I'd love to know where you get it/brand. There seems to be a great variance in price.
Thanks again, even if it doesn't remedy my woes I'm sure it will help my old bag sisters! (said with love, I'm only 7 years behind lol)