The issue is simple... cops today are trained in a way that makes them ALL bad cops. They are taught to at all times maintain dominance. That is in direct conflict with the idea of de-escalation. I watch video after video on YT of cops escalating a situation unnecessarily purely because they want to maintain their authority and nothing else. Then when the CITIZEN DARES TO FIGHT BACK... the cop fucking ends them. How dare a citizen stand up to his government. He should know his place.
The best part is this creates a situations where police who are good people either quit or fucking kill themselves. Over time this means that the cops left are the bullies and power obsessed idiots. In other words fucking Judge Dredd IRL.
When you throw in the fact that police pensions have been intentionally made into a tool of control... do as I order you or I'll fire you and you will lose A FUCK-TON of money in unpaid pensions. Now you have a bunch of Adrenalin junkie, power obsessed bullies, WHO FOLLOW ANY ORDER GIVEN THEM. Throw in a little election fraud to get yourself made Mayor or Governor etc and POOF you have an army of jackboot thugs to do whatever the fuck you want... including allowing your other jackboot thugs antifa to do whatever the fuck they like.
I'll put this another way. Starting 15-20 years ago the police became CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. They aren't their to protect you or even to enforce the law. They are their to follow the orders of the elitists who own them. Even local sheriffs in many places have been corrupted via federal grants etc. They just yank that leash by threatening to cut funds.
You sit around and watch youtube all day and you tell me to “wake the fuck up”? My brother just retired after 30 years; there was and will always be politics. Many come to the job for the excitement and the ability to help people in a challenging way. It’s a tough job. Everyday of work is dealing with people on their worse day. That’s while dealing with random attacks/assassinations or being stuck by a motorist. There is also plenty of shitty cops. There is also plenty of shitty cashiers, teachers, chefs, etc.
Learn to depend on yourself, your family and YOUR community. Don’t count on government tp protect you or solve your problems.
As for pensions, those don’t exist. The young guys work hard for a little money.
I suggest you take a step back and look at things from a different angle.
Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? Fuck you. Fuck your brother too. Let me tell you my experience with cops. Other than a pretty vanilla speeding ticket the first time I ever had an encounter with a cop wasn't my worst day. It was just a total load of bullshit. A family member picked a fight with me. I beat his ass. Fist fight/wrestling match. He calls the cops and tells them I had a gun WHICH I DIDN'T. Fine they show up guns drawn yada yada.
First cop to my house comes in. I clearly didn't have a gun and I showed him that. I tried to show him my ID which I happened to have handy. See I FUCKING LIVED THERE. The person I was fighting with didn't even fucking live in that house. Cop... slaps the ID out of my hand. Totally not interested. You know what he WAS interested in. The fact that I didn't grovel at his feet and beg for my life. I didn't cower to him. I was calm, cool, collected. I did 90% of his job for him. I told him WTF was going on. I was honest. I wasn't fucking drunk or combative. I didn't disrespect him.
What does he do? He asks me to step outside. Believe me I won't make that mistake again. See now I know. I should have told him to get the fuck off my property. If he wants to talk to the person who called him do it in the street he doesn't even fucking live here. Nope... we get to the front porch... WITHOUT WARNING he punches me in the face. He didn't grab me to arrest me. HE FUCKING PUNCHED ME.
I fall into a pile of shit on the front porch. I'm running on instinct so I reach for a weapon... I pole that was going through a roll of cable. I was being attacked. When I look back at him his face is lit up like a kid on Christmas. I'm about to fucking murder him with a pole... see he had no idea I was actually really good in a fight. His life was in real danger. His hand wasn't on his gun. BUT see I wasn't mad/angry. I was purely reacting to him attacking me. When I saw his face I instantly knew.
It was a setup. See I hit him with that pole... I hurt him in some way and then I either end up shot by the other cops that arrived 10-20 seconds later OR I catch a felony assault on a police office and do fucking 5 years in jail. I just smiled at him and let go of the pole. He looked disappointed. I'm talking truly upset that I didn't fall for the bait. I didn't fight back hard enough. So me and like 6 cops have a nice little wrestling match and they cuff me. He charged me with disorderly conduct. I paid a fine.
See here is the trick. This was a black cop in a mostly white area in the late 1980s early 90s. He was a raciest piece of shit who thought he had the perfect opportunity to teach a smart ass white boy a lesson. Maybe even get me fucking killed. All because he felt like I didn't cower to him. He gave me the lecture in the sally port at the jail, so I know for sure what his deal was. He was on a power trip. I just didn't even say much to him. There was no point he would just try to raise the charges to resisting arrest or some bullshit. No I got the lesson. I learned it good. Cops abuse their power.
I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm honest to a fault. Never so much as shoplift a candy bar in my whole fucking life. I'm about as far from being a criminal as anyone could be without being Jesus himself. Yet these POS have raided my house twice. I'm talking full SWAT style raids. They just make shit up to try to criminalize me. Its been a never ending stream of utter bullshit. They never seem to make it stick BECAUSE I'M NOT A FUCKING CRIMINAL.
So don't give me your whining BS about cops have it hard. You know who has it hard... all the people cops harass and try to put in jail that are fucking innocent. Let's talk about those people. There are WAY WAY more of them than you could possibly imagine. Its not about race(most of the time). Its about the blue wall. Its about all the cops that fucking KNOW their fellow cop is a bad apple but they stay silent because making waves is bad for them. Fucking cowards.
You tell me "Learn to depend on yourself, your family and YOUR community. Don’t count on government tp protect you or solve your problems." My reply is who's going to fucking protect me FROM THE POLICE? HUH? Because I'm fucking 50 years old and I can honestly say the police have maliciously gone after me my entire adult life. Sure I drove a little fast when I was 19 and maybe had a little temper but what explains the bullshit they did later when I was fucking 30 and 40? Corruption. Power mad lunatics. Incompetence.
And that's just me. I could spend hours talking about at least 3 other people I know personally that aren't bad people yet the police just ruined their lives because they could. So yeah I KNOW how it all works. I'm not some YT keyboard warrior. I've been there. I've done that. The system is broken... and it begins and ends with the cowards that run the system. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.
Is that supposed to mean anything? That he was your brother?
your brother probably walked all over thousands of people like they were beneath him during his 30 years.
the problem is, is that power causes corruption. A little bit of power causes a little bit of corruption, a lot of power causes a lot of corruption, and ultimate power causes ultimate corruption. That's why we're supposed to operate under a system of checks and balances.
Cops have "a lot of power" and are thus corrupt "a lot". It's really that simple. You cannot survive within that system if you're a good cop, they will get rid of you.
Bad cops**
The instant you agree to a paycheck for violating peoples rights, you're a bad guy.
The issue is simple... cops today are trained in a way that makes them ALL bad cops. They are taught to at all times maintain dominance. That is in direct conflict with the idea of de-escalation. I watch video after video on YT of cops escalating a situation unnecessarily purely because they want to maintain their authority and nothing else. Then when the CITIZEN DARES TO FIGHT BACK... the cop fucking ends them. How dare a citizen stand up to his government. He should know his place.
The best part is this creates a situations where police who are good people either quit or fucking kill themselves. Over time this means that the cops left are the bullies and power obsessed idiots. In other words fucking Judge Dredd IRL.
When you throw in the fact that police pensions have been intentionally made into a tool of control... do as I order you or I'll fire you and you will lose A FUCK-TON of money in unpaid pensions. Now you have a bunch of Adrenalin junkie, power obsessed bullies, WHO FOLLOW ANY ORDER GIVEN THEM. Throw in a little election fraud to get yourself made Mayor or Governor etc and POOF you have an army of jackboot thugs to do whatever the fuck you want... including allowing your other jackboot thugs antifa to do whatever the fuck they like.
I'll put this another way. Starting 15-20 years ago the police became CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. They aren't their to protect you or even to enforce the law. They are their to follow the orders of the elitists who own them. Even local sheriffs in many places have been corrupted via federal grants etc. They just yank that leash by threatening to cut funds.
Excellent synopsis. Worthy of its own post.
You sit around and watch youtube all day and you tell me to “wake the fuck up”? My brother just retired after 30 years; there was and will always be politics. Many come to the job for the excitement and the ability to help people in a challenging way. It’s a tough job. Everyday of work is dealing with people on their worse day. That’s while dealing with random attacks/assassinations or being stuck by a motorist. There is also plenty of shitty cops. There is also plenty of shitty cashiers, teachers, chefs, etc.
Learn to depend on yourself, your family and YOUR community. Don’t count on government tp protect you or solve your problems.
As for pensions, those don’t exist. The young guys work hard for a little money.
I suggest you take a step back and look at things from a different angle.
Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? Fuck you. Fuck your brother too. Let me tell you my experience with cops. Other than a pretty vanilla speeding ticket the first time I ever had an encounter with a cop wasn't my worst day. It was just a total load of bullshit. A family member picked a fight with me. I beat his ass. Fist fight/wrestling match. He calls the cops and tells them I had a gun WHICH I DIDN'T. Fine they show up guns drawn yada yada.
First cop to my house comes in. I clearly didn't have a gun and I showed him that. I tried to show him my ID which I happened to have handy. See I FUCKING LIVED THERE. The person I was fighting with didn't even fucking live in that house. Cop... slaps the ID out of my hand. Totally not interested. You know what he WAS interested in. The fact that I didn't grovel at his feet and beg for my life. I didn't cower to him. I was calm, cool, collected. I did 90% of his job for him. I told him WTF was going on. I was honest. I wasn't fucking drunk or combative. I didn't disrespect him.
What does he do? He asks me to step outside. Believe me I won't make that mistake again. See now I know. I should have told him to get the fuck off my property. If he wants to talk to the person who called him do it in the street he doesn't even fucking live here. Nope... we get to the front porch... WITHOUT WARNING he punches me in the face. He didn't grab me to arrest me. HE FUCKING PUNCHED ME.
I fall into a pile of shit on the front porch. I'm running on instinct so I reach for a weapon... I pole that was going through a roll of cable. I was being attacked. When I look back at him his face is lit up like a kid on Christmas. I'm about to fucking murder him with a pole... see he had no idea I was actually really good in a fight. His life was in real danger. His hand wasn't on his gun. BUT see I wasn't mad/angry. I was purely reacting to him attacking me. When I saw his face I instantly knew.
It was a setup. See I hit him with that pole... I hurt him in some way and then I either end up shot by the other cops that arrived 10-20 seconds later OR I catch a felony assault on a police office and do fucking 5 years in jail. I just smiled at him and let go of the pole. He looked disappointed. I'm talking truly upset that I didn't fall for the bait. I didn't fight back hard enough. So me and like 6 cops have a nice little wrestling match and they cuff me. He charged me with disorderly conduct. I paid a fine.
See here is the trick. This was a black cop in a mostly white area in the late 1980s early 90s. He was a raciest piece of shit who thought he had the perfect opportunity to teach a smart ass white boy a lesson. Maybe even get me fucking killed. All because he felt like I didn't cower to him. He gave me the lecture in the sally port at the jail, so I know for sure what his deal was. He was on a power trip. I just didn't even say much to him. There was no point he would just try to raise the charges to resisting arrest or some bullshit. No I got the lesson. I learned it good. Cops abuse their power.
I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm honest to a fault. Never so much as shoplift a candy bar in my whole fucking life. I'm about as far from being a criminal as anyone could be without being Jesus himself. Yet these POS have raided my house twice. I'm talking full SWAT style raids. They just make shit up to try to criminalize me. Its been a never ending stream of utter bullshit. They never seem to make it stick BECAUSE I'M NOT A FUCKING CRIMINAL.
So don't give me your whining BS about cops have it hard. You know who has it hard... all the people cops harass and try to put in jail that are fucking innocent. Let's talk about those people. There are WAY WAY more of them than you could possibly imagine. Its not about race(most of the time). Its about the blue wall. Its about all the cops that fucking KNOW their fellow cop is a bad apple but they stay silent because making waves is bad for them. Fucking cowards.
You tell me "Learn to depend on yourself, your family and YOUR community. Don’t count on government tp protect you or solve your problems." My reply is who's going to fucking protect me FROM THE POLICE? HUH? Because I'm fucking 50 years old and I can honestly say the police have maliciously gone after me my entire adult life. Sure I drove a little fast when I was 19 and maybe had a little temper but what explains the bullshit they did later when I was fucking 30 and 40? Corruption. Power mad lunatics. Incompetence.
And that's just me. I could spend hours talking about at least 3 other people I know personally that aren't bad people yet the police just ruined their lives because they could. So yeah I KNOW how it all works. I'm not some YT keyboard warrior. I've been there. I've done that. The system is broken... and it begins and ends with the cowards that run the system. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.
Is that supposed to mean anything? That he was your brother?
your brother probably walked all over thousands of people like they were beneath him during his 30 years.
the problem is, is that power causes corruption. A little bit of power causes a little bit of corruption, a lot of power causes a lot of corruption, and ultimate power causes ultimate corruption. That's why we're supposed to operate under a system of checks and balances.
Cops have "a lot of power" and are thus corrupt "a lot". It's really that simple. You cannot survive within that system if you're a good cop, they will get rid of you.