I have asked myself dozens of times why Conservatives are so bad at organizing anything? Are we that independent that we can't collaborate? Some of us are strategic thinkers. Why can't we influence people to actually take the steps necessary towards a better future?
Why can't we influence people to actually take the steps necessary towards a better future?
I can answer this.
Because whenever someone squeaky clean runs for office, they wind up dead.
This is how mafias work. The only way into power is to have a high-up connection, dirt on someone else and a dead-man's switch, or an insurance policy of you doing some sick stuff they can ruin you with if you step out of line.
I have asked myself dozens of times why Conservatives are so bad at organizing anything? Are we that independent that we can't collaborate? Some of us are strategic thinkers. Why can't we influence people to actually take the steps necessary towards a better future?
I can answer this.
Because whenever someone squeaky clean runs for office, they wind up dead.
This is how mafias work. The only way into power is to have a high-up connection, dirt on someone else and a dead-man's switch, or an insurance policy of you doing some sick stuff they can ruin you with if you step out of line.