I have great news. With very little effort ive decoded a symbol. The symbol is your comment, shrouded in random strings of logic and rudimentary ideological connections. Its been determined that the hidden meaning here is the author of this comment has no clue or a basic understanding of atomic energy, isotopic reactions and element interaction. Aka nuclear. Therefore no point in engaging any further on the subject, other than one exception. The whimsical stretches connecting your assumptions are comically incorrect and nuclear bombs are nuclear bombs. No amount of word blogs or fringe youtube videos will contrarily change that. You arent doing any favors to others by propagating ridiculous theories like, nuclear is comms and a lie just because you chose to believe that rubbish.
I have great news. With very little effort ive decoded a symbol. The symbol is your comment, shrouded in random strings of logic and rudimentary ideological connections. Its been determined that the hidden meaning here is the author of this comment has no clue or a basic understanding of atomic energy, isotopic reactions and element interaction. Aka nuclear. Therefore no point in engaging any further on the subject, other than one exception. The whimsical stretches connecting your assumptions are comically incorrect and nuclear bombs are nuclear bombs. No amount of word blogs or fringe youtube videos will contrarily change that. You arent doing any favors to others by propagating ridiculous theories like, nuclear is comms and a lie just because you chose to believe that rubbish.