Makes sense to me that we get rid of this "little shit" by any means possible, and have a special election where a legitimate republican can run and win. Let the dems claim whatever they want. He can take one for the team and be our token bad apple until we remove the rest of the rhinos as well.
Makes sense to me that we get rid of this "little shit" by any means possible, and have a special election where a legitimate republican can run and win. Let the dems claim whatever they want. He can take one for the team and be our token bad apple until we remove the rest of the rhinos as well.
Because that little shit is a Democrat plant and didn’t get elected.
If he - as a lawmaker - can so easily disregard the law, why should any of us have to worry about them either? Or paying taxes, for that matter.
There you have it, he's an insurrectionist
How many times are the DS'ers gonna try this crap?
Over and over and over. This is the stuff that is exhausting to Americans.
He is still choking on Soros dirty underwear